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I forgot to update last night I'm sorry I was arguing in a gc😂

Also have Millie and Jacob faked their breakup? I'm so confused. It's a little fishy because they both went live last night and they have the same colour walls in the live?


Tonight was the school dance, I don't know what Millie looked like yet, but all I know is that I'm never going to wear a suit again after this is over.

"Let me get a photo." My mom said, standing me against the wall and making me smile.

"Alright, that's enough." I said, trying to walk away but she didn't let me.

"Just one more." She said.

"Why mom?" I asked, getting annoyed.

"Because, you look so handsome." She said, snapping another photo with a huge smile on her face.

"Mom!" I groaned.

"Finn!" She said, the smile still present on her face.

She took about 5 more pictures of us, when all of the boys turned up. We were all going together and meeting the girls there. They were going in a white limousine we were going in a black one.

Jack was the first one to turn up, I don't know how it happened but he was going to the dance with Noah. I was happy for them both. Sadie was going with Caleb, Gaten was going with Kelsey, Sahar was going with grace as friends. Maggie wasn't going at all, thank god.

"Let me get a picture of you two!" Jacks mom gushed, making Jack and I get a picture together. Jack was making a duck face as I smiled. "My favourite boys!! You both look so good!"

Jack smiled at her before walking away. I just stood and talked to Jacks mom, Angela for a while.

"Make sure you take care of him, okay? Don't let anyone be mean." She said, I smiled.

"I never do." I said, she smiled at me and kissed me on the head.

"You're a good best friend. Now have fun with that gorgeous girlfriend of yours!" She said, I gave her a big smile then got in the car.

We arrived at the dance and we met with the girls. I looked at Millie and I'm pretty sure my pupils grew at the sight of her. She was in a baby blue dress, which trailed along the floor and had little laced flowers on it. I was stuck in a daze at the beautiful girl I am proud to call my girlfriend.

"Mills... you look..." I choked up on my words, she was making me nervous. "You look perfect."

"Awww, baby you look better." She said, kissing my lips. I smiled into the kiss.

We pulled away and went inside, we got a drink then sat down for a bit. We didn't want to dance with anyone, we just wanted to enjoy each other's company for a while.

"Oh lord look at Noah's dancing." I said, looking at Noah doing the footloose dance.

"He must've been dropped on his head as a baby because he isn't normal." Millie laughed, causing me to laugh.

"I can't wait to go to Florida with you." I said, Millie smiled.

"Neither can I, it's gonna be so fun. Amelia is so excited, she can't wait." Millie said, smiling. "Hey do you wanna go dance now?"

A slow song came on. "Okay, sure."

The song was every breath you take by the police. She put her hands around my neck and my hands were on her waist as we swayed side to side. I looked at everyone else, Caleb and Sadie were dancing the same as we were, Kelsey and Gaten were also dancing, but in a different way. I looked over to Noah and Jack. They were in the same position as us.

I looked at Millie, who was looking at me. I smiled at her. She leaned forward and placed her lips on mine for about 5 seconds, then pulled away.

We danced the night away, being crazy and drinking. By the end of the night we were both drunk, just like everyone else here. We all decided to go back to Millie's house as Amelia was at Millie's moms house.

Millie's POV:

I woke up in my bed, next to Finn. My head was pounding, I haven't been drunk in so long. I went through my snapchat stories to see really embarrassing videos of me, and everyone else. There was a video of me and Jack, laid on the sofa 'vlogging'.

We told everyone how we are starting a YouTube channel on the '69th December.' And jack is going to be the next James Charles. I quietly laughed at the video. The next one was from Gaten's Snapchat, it was a video of Finn and I making out on my sofa, Gaten was yelling 'FILLIE IS REAL!'

Sadie's snapchat story consisted of really cute pictures of her and Caleb, and recording herself saying how much she was thankful that Dolton cheated on her because now she has Caleb. I looked at Finns story, to see only two pictures. One was of him and Jack, captioned 'bubba🍓' and the next one was a picture of me cuddling him in bed, that was captioned 'my princess🦋💙'.

I looked at Finn and smiled, even though he was not yet awake. I kissed his cheek before getting up and walking downstairs, where I seen Jack sleeping and Noah was on his phone while hugging Jack on the sofa.

"Morning, where is everyone?" I asked Noah.

"I think Caleb and Sadie are in the guest bedroom, I'm pretty sure Gaten and Kelsey went back home, so did Sahar and Grace." Noah said, I nodded.

"So, do you like Jack?" I asked, he instantly nodded.

"I was gonna tell you all sooner, but I didn't think it mattered." He said, I smiled at him.

"It doesn't matter, I'm happy for you." I smiled, he smiled back at me.

"Thanks mills." He said.

"Do you wanna come to Starbucks with me and get everyone coffee? It's on me." I asked, he nodded.

"We can just go like this." I said, pointing to what we were already dressed in. "We can go through the drive through."

"Okay. Come on." He said, he gently moved jack from him and put his shoes on.

I wrote a little note, just in case everyone wondered where we went if they woke up before we were back.

Noah and I have gone to Starbucks to get everyone drinks, we won't be long.
-mills xx

I put my shoes on and we got in my car, driving to Starbucks where we ordered everyone's favourite drink and went back. When we got back everyone was already up and sat on the sofa, apart from Finn who was half asleep with his head on Jacks shoulder.

"We're back bitches!!!" Noah said, handing everyone their drinks.

We spent the rest of the day watching movies and talking about Florida tomorrow. We were all already packed and everyone's suitcases and things were at my house.

We are all staying at my house tonight, again. That way it's easier because we are all going together and we wouldn't loose each other at the airport. It's gonna be so fun.

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