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Okay can someone pls explain to me why everyone hates Finns friends?

If you want yourself to be in this book then DM me your name and what type of character you wanna be and i might add u.


Winona was okay, thank the lord. Her condition wasn't as bad as they told Finn it was. Finn told Winona and Richard to stay in New York and finish their vacation. Richard hadn't proposed yet.

Maddie stayed over at Sadie's last night because they fell asleep watching a movie.

It was a Wednesday, so I got Amelia dressed for school. I put her in a little yellow shirt with some overalls and her converse. I put her hair in pigtails with two little yellow bows. She looked cute as always.

I walked into my room, putting on a denim skirt and my white shirt which said Coca Cola on it, I put my socks on, then my shoes. I lightly curled my hair and brushed my teeth. After, put some makeup on.

I finished my look with some lip gloss, then I walked out of my bedroom to make breakfast. We still had 30 minutes left until we had to be at school.

"What do you want for breakfast, Lia?" I asked, "we can have pancakes, waff—"

"Pancakes!" She said, I giggled and nodded.

"Wanna help?" I asked, she nodded and stood on her step so she could reach the kitchen counter.

We made the pancake mix, and she went to sit back down whilst I put it on the pan. After making her pancake, I put some syrup on it, because that's what she likes. I made my own, then made myself some tea. I got her some fresh orange juice.

After we ate breakfast, she went upstairs to brush her teeth.

"When you have done brushing your teeth come downstairs so we can go to school, okay?" I said, she nodded and carried on walking.

I made her packed lunch, which consisted of a chicken sandwich, some chips, grapes and a carton of orange juice. I put it in her back pack, then she came down.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yep!" She smiled.

We walked outside and I locked the door, then we got in the car. I strapped her into her car seat, in the passenger seat in the front like always, unless one of my friends or Finn are in it.

She turned on the radio, then I drove her to school.

I parked in the schools parking lot and we got out, I noticed Finns car parked a few parking spaces across from mine. Brooklyn jumped out of his car and started walking into the school.

"Can I go say hi to finnie?" Amelia asked, I nodded.

She ran along to Finns car, so I followed her. Finn opened his car door, Amelia climbed in and hugged him.

"Finnie!!" She cheered, Finn giggled as he hugged her back.

"Hey." He said.

Soon Finn went off to school, so I brought Amelia to the door where she met with her teacher, Mr Heaton.

"Amelia! Good morning." He smiled as Amelia waved. "Are you Amelia's mom?"

"Yes." I smiled.

"Oh, good! I need to inform you that there is a school play tomorrow at 1:30pm. Will you be able to make it? Amelia is part of it." He said, I nodded.

I'll have to ditch school, but oh well.

"Yeah of course." I replied, with a smile.

"Okay, thanks. Have a good day." He said.

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