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Get ready for this there's a trigger warning

Amelia was at my mums house for the weekend. We had came up with a schedule of when she will see my mum and when she wont. She will go there every weekend, unless my mum is busy. My mum wanted to be in Amelia's life and I aren't going to stop that from happening.

So tonight my friends convinced me to go to a party, I wasn't going to go until Finn asked me to, I couldn't say no to him. After all, I think it's time I have a little fun at a party of some sort, I haven't been able to do that in 4 years, but it was okay.

I finished off my look with some red lipstick, then Grace, Sadie and I got in my car as I drove to the party. I wasn't going to get drunk, because of what happened last time, so I was the driver. Grace wasn't going to get drunk either, she told me she was going to have one or two drinks so if I wanted to get drunk I could and she'd drive us back. Sadie driving wasn't an option, as I knew she'd be drunk in the first 30 minutes, she's a party animal.

We all got to the house the party was held, it was Nicholas Hamiltons party. I had been close with Nicholas in 8th Grade, but then we stopped talking completely. I'm surprised he even invited me, but he did. Nicholas was a nice guy, I don't know why we even lost contact in the first place.

We walked in, then got a drink. We walked outside to meet up with the boys. Finn, Noah, Jack, Caleb and Gaten were all stood together. Finn had a red solo cup in his hand, I hugged him from behind, he turned round with a shocked look on his face, but then he smiled when he seen me and hugged me back with one arm due to the cup in his other.

"You look hot." Finn said, looking me up and down, making me blush.

"Thanks, you do too." I said, kissing his cheek.

"Are you gonna drink?" He asked, I shrugged.

"I don't know, I wasn't planning on it. If I do though, you're going to have to be my personal babysitter because I go wild. Last time I got drunk I got pregnant, so if you're wanting me to get drunk, it's your fault if I end up pregnant or making out with some random dude." I said, he started laughing.

"I am not going to let a guy have sex with you because you're practically with me even though I haven't asked you yet, I'd have to beat his ass. Second, you're not making out with anybody. And third, we're going to have to babysit each other because I'm half drunk. I go wild when I'm drunk." Finn said, my brain suddenly had an idea.

I aren't going to get fully drunk, I'm just gonna let Finn get drunk so I can give him the pure embarrassment and torture in the morning. We went to go get a drink, then played beer pong. I didn't join in, but Finn and I then made out. By the end of the 30 minute game, Finn had drank loads and he was drunk as fuck.

As Jack approached Finn, I remembered the words jack had told me earlier 'when Finn and I are drunk and together, we are like the terrible two, so I wouldn't recommend bringing him near me.' I suddenly smirked.

Jack and Finn went to dance, they asked me to go with them so I did. Finn then did a handstand, if you'd even class it as that, that ended up with Finn almost knocking himself out. Jack was doing the swish swish dance when the song by Katy Perry came on, then Finn joined him.

"AYYYOOOOO!!!" Caleb yelled, coming to join in with them, then Noah, Gaten, Sadie and Grace came over and started dancing too.

Grace was kind of drunk, but not very. Sadie was almost as drunk as Finn, which was bad. They were both bouncing off the walls. Then Finn, Caleb, Gaten and Noah all ran onto the stage, singing a song as Nicholas introduced them.

I went to sit on a bench, thinking about everything. Will Finn ever actually ask me to be his girlfriend? Does he even feel anything towards me anymore or have we left everything too late? Grace came and sat down next to me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Grace asked, putting her arm around me.

"I'm just thinking. Do you think Finn still loves me?" I asked as I looked at the curly haired boy who was singing loudly with the other boys. He was in his element, and he was having a load of fun.

"Yes. Of course I do. He stares at you all the time when you aren't looking. I'll look over to you both at lunch and when you aren't looking at him, he is still looking at you with the big lovey dovey eyes." She said, causing me to smile, but my smile soon fading as I heard some news from some boys stood next to us.

"Yeah, he's done it now. Jacob has took Maddie upstairs, yeah Dolton and Jimmy are holding her down. It's gonna go good." One of the boys said, my eyes went wide.

"Grace, someone is about to Rape Maddie. We have to help her." I said, Grace gasped.

We ran upstairs without thinking to bring anyone else, yes Maddie snaked me so badly, but I wasn't going to let anybody hurt her, no way. We ran into the bedroom, making a massive noise, all of the boys heads turned to us including Maddie who had tears running down her face in absolute fear as a guy held his hand over her mouth.

There was about 10 other guys, not including the ones who had Maddie. They started walking forward to us, when suddenly I was yanked into the corner by three of the guys, I tried to scream, but they had their large hands over my mouth. I seen Grace being pulled away too.

I started to kick my legs as one of them sat on me, but it didn't work. He started unzipping my dress while kissing me, leaving me in only my undergarments. I squeezed my eyes shut as tears fell out, knowing what was about to come next, but it never happened, a huge weight was pulled from me. I opened my eyes to see Finn and all of the boys. Finn had the guy who tried to do things to me on the ground as they all fought.

Jack knelt down next to me, helping me get my dress on. I knew Jack meant no harm, he wasn't even into girls anyways. He pulled it up and zipped it while he hugged my sobbing self tightly.

"It's okay, you're okay." He repeated, I could smell the alcohol on his breath but it didn't bother me.

I heard sirens, loud ones. The police entered the room and pulled a really angry Finn from the guy he was repeatedly punching in the face. Finn was also even more intoxicated, so he was even more angrier than he'd originally be, which was a lot. The guy was clean knocked out of the bedroom carpet.

We were all taken away in a police van, as everyone else watched.

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