No joke I just witnessed some people having sex at the park I can't breathe😂😭😂😭 DONT GO TO THE PARK AT 11PM IM CRYING AHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH
Brooklyn threw the pink soccer ball to me from the other side of the garden, yelling for me to kick it back."You're supposed to use only your feet and legs, you aren't allowed to use your arms. That's cheating." I said, then kicked it back to her.
The whole of my family were round my house today, for my moms birthday. I had to stay in, obviously. I did have plans to go to the beach with Millie and the others, but I had to cancel them.
"Finn! Your phone is ringing." I heard my grandma shout me from inside.
"One minute brook." I said, then walked inside to grab my phone, an unknown number was calling me.
I answered it, then put it up to my ear.
"Hey, Finn. Did you miss me?" It was Romeo. "Cut off all ties with Millie."
I walked down to the basement so I could speak to him without anybody getting suspicious.
"Why should I do that?" I asked, angry at him for thinking he can control me.
"Because if not, Amelia and Millie are in danger. Along with Millie's family, and her little sister." He said, my eyes went wide.
"So what have I gotta do?" I asked.
"Tell Millie that you can't speak to her anymore and that you aren't interested in her. Don't even try and talk to her behind my back, because I have eyes everywhere Finn, and my main source, is closer than you think. Not everybody around you is a real friend, remember that. Now say bye bye to your sweet moments with Millie." He said, then ended it.
His source is closer than I think? Not everybody is a real friend? What is he talking about? I'm all sorts of confused. I don't want to cut things off with Millie, but I also don't want her or her family in danger. I texted someone I know I can trust, and wouldn't work for Romeo, Sadie.
Finn: please come to my house, but don't knock, just text me when you get there. It's urgent
Sadie: be right there
I waited for a while, until Sadie texted me saying she was here. I walked to the front door then snuck her down to the basement. She looked at me confused.
"Your not working for Romeo are you?" I asked. "Like a secret spy?"
"No, Finn. What the fuck?" She asked, looking oblivious to the whole situation.
"Romeo called me, he's forcing me to cut all ties with Millie or else he kills her and hurts her family. I don't want to cut things off with her but I also don't want to get her hurt. He said that he has a secret source, and it's closer than I think and not everybody is a real friend..." I explained, she nodded like she understood.
"It's the right thing to do, cut ties with her while I'm here. But don't hurt her with your words. It's easier to do that then to let her get hurt physically. Then we will figure out who it is, together. You helped me with Caleb so I'll help you." She said, I nodded, then picked up my phone.
Finn: hey, I'm sorry but I don't think we should talk anymore...
I stopped typing the message and deleted it once I got a message from Romeo.
Unknown: you have to tell her that you hate her and everything was fake, or else I will hurt her more
I looked up at Sadie, her mouth was parted in disbelief, then I started typing the message to Millie. As soon as it sent, I threw my phone across the room and it hit the wall. I put my head in my hands as tears escaped my eyes.
"Why do I always find myself caught up in these messes? I've probably just really upset her and now she thinks I hate her when I don't hate her!" I said as I felt Sadie hug me.
"We're gonna find out who Romeos little source is okay? And remove that snake from this group. Then I'm going to help you and Millie out the best I can." She said as she wiped my tears.
"How are we going to find out?" I asked.
"I don't know, but we're gonna." She said.
I walked down the school hall, ignoring Millie and everybody else. I know they all probably hate me, apart from Sadie who knows the situation and what is happening. I walked with my head down, I couldn't even be bothered being here.
I decided to skip this lesson, because it was art, and Millie was in there. I had to sit on a table with them all and I wasn't ready for that just yet. I was walking down the corridor when i felt a tap on my shoulder, i turned around to see Sadie.
"Why aren't you in art?" I asked her.
"Because we're going to find out who this snake is, I made a list of everybody in our group and their address, I'm also gonna write down how they are acting around you. The first one is Grace, this morning she was looking at you, to see if you were talking to Millie. It made her look a little suspicious." She said, I nodded.
"So what do you expect we do?" I asked.
"Grace never brings her phone to school because she doesn't wanna let it get in the way of her education, so we're gonna go to her house. Her parents are on a work trip. The doors will be locked so we are going to go through her front window and look on her phone, okay?" She said, I nodded.
We walked out of the school and started walking to Grace's house. Her house was around the corner from school, so it wasn't a long walk, and we didn't get caught by anyone, thank god.
We got to Graces house, I helped push Sadie up to Graces bedroom window, then she helped me up. We climbed through it to see loads of instruments, and a very pink girly bedroom.
The strong scent of perfume instantly hit my nose, it stunk. Too girly for my liking. I seen Sadie picking up Graces phone and unlocking it. She looked through the contacts, no sign of Romeo anywhere, nor anything suspicious.
"Maybe it's on her laptop." I said, Sadie nodded and opened the laptop up, looking at her messages, photos and everything on there, still nothing.
"Okay, so it isn't Grace." She said. "Now we need to get out and back to school in time for next period."
We ran back to school, as soon as we entered, the bell rang. I sighed in relief before saying thanks to Sadie and walking to my next lesson. As I was walking I seen Millie, we made eye contact, but I quickly cut it off and put my head down, looking down.
I got into history, but I forgot Millie was there too. And she sat near me which was an issue, I don't think I can handle sitting near her, but the teacher wouldn't let us swap seats. I just sat myself near her and didn't talk to her, until she spoke to me.
"Care to explain anything? You know why you hate me all of a sudden?" She asked, I sighed.
I looked around the class, anybody in here could be Romeos secret eye, like he said he has eyes all over and nobody in this school is trustworthy.
I wrote on a piece of paper and pretended to scrunch it up, then I gave it to Millie under the table.
I don't want to do this anymore, it's killing me and it's only the second day.

Fanfictionfillie, I never thought anybody would love me. I'm 18 years old living alone with a child, but then he came along. He proved me wrong, he loved me and loved my daughter as his own. Highest rank #1 in fillie Ranked #1 in Milliebobbybrown Ranked #1 in...