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Are my chapters too short? If so how many words would you like me to do?

"Finn, your friend is here." My mom woke me up from my deep sleep, I got home from Millie's at around 4am.

Today was Sunday, Amelia's birthday. I rolled out of bed as my mom walked out. I walked downstairs to see Sadie, why is Sadie here?

"Hi?" I questioned.

"I need to ask you something, but so your mom doesn't hear." She whispered the last part.

"Oh yeah, sure you can have your science book back. Just come right this way." I said, so my mom wouldn't suspect anything to listen in, she does that sometimes.

"Thank you, Finn. Mr Clarke has been totally on my back all week. I need to study." Sadie went along with it as we walked past the living room where my mom gave us both a smile.

We walked down to the basement, as soon as I shut the door, she started talking.

"You said you did a lot of drugs before.. right?" She asked.

"Yeah, but why?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Have you done LSD?" She asked.

"Yes.. but again, why?" I asked in total confusion.

Why was she so bothered in my life all of a sudden? Yeah she's my friend and everything but she never really talks to me, just me. She will talk to me if everyone else is there or if we are in the same class, but never really for anything personal.

"Because Caleb is going to take it. I'm worried about him Finn. He's having a hard time at home and I- I don't want him to get hurt. He's talking about doing all of these drugs and I just thought that you have experience with all of this so.. could you talk him out of it? Or at least try to?" She asked, I nodded.

Home problems? Caleb has never told me about his home problems, but then again. I haven't told him about half my problems either. I was going to help Sadie after all, because if Caleb likes Sadie, this is no way to get her. And maybe if Sadie also likes Caleb, I could help them get together and then Caleb would be a bunch more happy. I know that for a fact.

"Okay, sure.. but how am I going to talk him out of it? I mean, people tried to talk me out of it all the time but I didn't stop until I came here. It gets addictive, Sadie. LSD doesn't get addictive if that's what he's planning on taking-" she cut me off.

"He's planning on taking one too many, Finn. LSD is one thing. What if he takes too much and dies?! We need to do something to help and fast. I know that your close with Caleb and that's why I need your help. Meet me at the park at 9:30pm, no ifs, no buts." She said.

"Why, exactly?" I asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Because, we're gonna help Caleb." She said. "I'll explain more at the park where your mom can't listen."

"Okay, well, see you at 9:30 I guess." I said, she smiled.

"Thanks Finn, also check up on Millie. Bye!" She said, she quickly hugged me then walked up the stairs.

When she went, I sat on the chair of next to my keyboard, then decided to text Millie.

Finn: hey mills, tell Amelia I said happy birthday and I hope she has a great day❤️

Mills: she said thank you and are you going to come and see her today? She's saving you and Brooklyn some birthday cake😘

Finn: sure, I'll be round at 2ish????

Mills: 2 is good, see you then

I smiled to myself, then put my phone down. I walked upstairs to see my mom making breakfast.

"Go get changed and then come down for breakfast, okay?" She said, I nodded before walking upstairs.

I just shoved on some clothes, my white t-shirt, black jeans, white socks and vans. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair as much as I could, then walked down the stairs and sat at the table, with my mom and Brooklyn.

"So, what are your plans for the day?" My mom asked us both.

"First, I'm going to give all my dolls a makeover, then I'm going to make them a castle out of my new building set." Brooklyn said.

"Sounds fun, Brook. What about you Finn?" She asked.

"First I'm off to go see Millie because it's Amelia's birthday, then I'm coming back to work on music and then I'm going out again." I said.

"You have a real thing for Miss Millie don't you?" My mom teased.

"No." I said, taking a sip of my orange juice while trying my hardest not to blush.

"Okay, you keep telling yourself that. But sooner or later when you two are stood in wedding clothes with your own child, the first line of my speech will be I told you so." She said with a smirk.

"Mom! Ew! First of all, I aren't having a kid with anybody, I'm a busy person. Second of all I have a lot more I want to do before I have a child. Third of all, I haven't even thought about marrying anybody." I said, Brooklyn put one eyebrow up.

"Hmm, is that how it seems? That's funny because last time I checked, you wanted to marry Beyoncé." Brooklyn said.

"Everybody wants to marry Beyoncé. You want to marry Beyoncé. Even mom probably wants to marry Beyoncé." I said, rolling my eyes playfully.

"No, I was thinking more of like, Elvis Presley, my kinda man." She said, eating a piece of bacon.

"Mom, Elvis is dead. So frankly I don't think that's possible." Brooklyn said which made me laugh.

"Hey hey hey, when we were on the subject of Millie and your marriage, and you started giving me all the first of all second of alls, you never said that you and Millie are just friends.." she said, raising her eyebrows while taking a sip of her coffee.

"Well, that's me done with breakfast. I have a song to work on, sorry guys." I said with a smirk as I put my plate in the sink.

I walked downstairs into the basement, I heard my mom and Brooklyn laughing. I shook my head with a smile before trying to figure out the tune to this song.

When the clock hit 2, I drove to Millie's house and knocked on the door. She answered me like a minute later, greeting me with a hug.

"Hey! I missed you." She said, I smiled.

"I missed you too." I said.

I had missed Millie, even though I seen her earlier this morning, I still missed her. I always find myself missing her, it's like I can't be away from her for like an hour without missing her. I truly am head over heals for her.

It's the way she smiles and laughs. It's the way she talks in her cute British accent and looks after Amelia like she's the most important girl in the world all on her own at such a young age. It's the way her eyes light up every time something good happens, or every time she bites her fingernails when she gets nervous.

All of these things are what make millie, Millie. And what made me turn my eyes that way to actually find an interest in her.

All the things that made me fall in love with Millie Bobby Brown.


Awww little Finnie is in love

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