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I find this chapter hilarious when I shouldn't okay bye. Also in this chapter before u read, I am in no way saying a sexual assault on a guy is funny and when it's on a girl it's not. Don't get any sexist vibes from this. This isn't serious it's just a joke and Finn wasn't forced.

Also yesterday Caleb read my comment out on a live video. AUGUST 1ST 2018 CALEB MCLAUGHLIN NOTICED ME AND I WILL NEVER FORGET IT


I woke up in my own bed, I looked out of the window to see it was raining again, great. I rolled my eyes and looked in my closet, to see that my athletic shorts weren't there. I rolled my eyes, again and walked out of my bedroom, to trip over Brooklyn.

"Brook, come on dude! Don't sit outside of my bedroom door!" I groaned, then walked downstairs to see my mom cooking. "Mom where are my athletic shorts? I need to go for a run."

"A run? Finn it's freezing." She said, I shrugged.

"That doesn't mean I can't go for a run. Where are they?" I asked.

"They're in the laundry room, just don't make a mess looking for them." She said, I nodded and ran to the laundry room.

I finally found my athletic shorts and walked upstairs, to see Richard walking out of the bathroom.

"Morning." He said, I rudely glared at him and walked into my room, getting ready for my run.

I walked downstairs, and my mom approached me.

"Finn, this is last minute but the neighbours are coming round for breakfast. So your run is going to have to wait." She said, I rolled my eyes for what I think is the 1000th time this morning.

"Mom, Maggie always hits on me and I don't like her!" I said, causing her to jokingly slap my arm.

"Finn, don't talk about girls like that. I'm not surprised she has a crush on you. You get your looks from me." She said, making a duck face.

"ew! Mom stop!" I laughed before the door bell rang. My mom answered, to Maggies mom, dad and of course Maggie, and Sahar and Kelsey. I learnt they were adopted.

We all sat on the table, and just to my luck. I got stuck next to Maggie. I rolled my eyes and looked down at my plate.

"What are you dressed so sporty for?" Sahar asked me, I felt Maggies hand on my knee and I stiffened.

"I-I was going to go on a r-run." I said, she furrowed her eyebrows with a nod.


I felt her hand move up, I didn't dare say anything though. I didn't want to make things awkward. Then her dad started speaking to me, why is everyone speaking to me?!

"So Finn, are you and the girls friends at school." Her dad asked, her hand went higher.

"K-kinda." I said, my mom looked at me like something was wrong.

"Are you okay?" She asked, then I felt Maggie grab my part, I gasped.

"I- IM NOT OKAY SHES TOUCHING MY FUCKING PENIS!!!!!" I yelled before getting up and running out of the front door.

I got in my car and drove straight to Millie's. I needed to tell her, I'd feel guilty if not. I knocked on the door, and Millie answered. She was in her pyjamas, she pulled me in out of the rain.

"Hey, what's up? I wasn't expecting you." She said, all happy and smiley.

"I need to tell you something that happened and I don't want you to think it's my fault because it's not my fault and I felt really uncomfortable and I didn't want it to happen and-" Millie cut me off.

"Finn just tell me." She said with a laugh.

"Maggie came round for breakfast with her family today and she put her hand on my knee and I didn't wanna say anything because I didn't wanna make it awkward because my mom and her mom get along really well. But then she started going more up and up and then she grabbed my dick!" I whisper yelled, Millie's eyes went wide.

"She touched your dick?!" Millie asked, holding back a laugh, I could tell.

"Yeah! It's not funny I feel violated!!!" I said, she laughed.

"What did you do?" She asked.

"My mom asked me if I was okay, I kept stuttering because I was uncomfortable.." I said, she motioned for me to carry on. "And I might of yelled at the top of my lungs that she touched my dick..."

Millie burst out laughing, she had to sit on the sofa from laughing too much.

"You're not bothered?" I asked.

"Nope, it wasn't your fault. However I am pretty pissed at Maggie." She said, after she calmed down.

"So am I!" I said.

"Why are you dressed so sporty anyways?" She asked.

"I was going to go for a run, but I don't feel like it anymore." I said.

"I was gonna go to the gym, wanna come with me?" She asked, I nodded.

"Sure." I said.

"come upstairs with me while I get ready." She said.

We walked upstairs and I sat on her bed while I waited for her to get ready. She put no effort in, but she still looked incredibly perfect. She smiled at me before grabbing my hand.

"We're running there." She said when we walked out of the front door.

I got my water bottle out of my car and then we ran to the gym. When we got there, we signed ourselves in and worked out together.

"Where's Iris?" I asked, noticing she wasn't at Millie's.

"Oh, she went to live with her Grandma, she finally agreed to let her live there. It's only a few blocks away." She said with her perfect smile.

"Okay." I said, smiling back before carrying on with my workout.

After we finished at the gym, we went outside and it was no longer raining. I walked Millie home, before getting in my car and driving back to my house. I locked my door and took a deep breath, before walking inside. My mom instantly started asking me questions.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I said.

"Finn, you made it incredibly awkward. Maggie ran out!" My mom said.

"And so she should have!" I said. "She touched me without fricking permission mom! I was just trying to answer everyone's questions since I don't know why everyone was talking to me out of everybody there and then I felt her hand where it shouldn't have been! Don't tell me tell her!"

"I'll talk to her mother, now go shower you're sweating." She said, pushing me up the stairs.

I got in the shower and turned the water on, I stayed in there for a while. Before wrapping a towel around my waist and walking back in my room. I got dressed, then looked out of my window to see Maggie sat on her bed, crying. I started to feel bad, but why do I feel bad? She touched me, I didn't touch her.

She looked in her window and noticed me, she opened it, so I opened mine.

"Finn I'm so sorry I don't know what went through me." She said while sobbing.

"I aren't accepting your apology. You like me, but Maggie I don't like you. I love Millie and you have to respect that." I said, she nodded.

"Kelsey and Sahar both hate me, my parents are so disappointed in me now." She cried.

"Well you shouldn't have done it." I said, shutting my window.

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