drunk › d.s.

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we're gonna pretend that daniel and the reader are over the age of 21, all right? all right.

all i could say is that i was spending the night alone because (y/n) had promised she'd be home before midnight, but as it was 10:34, and the only texts i recieved from her consisted of gibberish, and i knew that she was drunk.

it was something she needed. (y/n) rarely drank alchohol. i was the same way. we're both 24, but we don't drink like other people. so that makes us a bit vulnerable whenever we do have a drink. and (y/n) had been awfully stressed lately. i could tell that she needed a break, just a small vacation, even if it was just for the night. just some time to let go of everything and have fun.

i didn't know getting wasted was part of the plan.

it was peaceful in our apartment. we had a tiny dog, but otherwise, i was alone. it was cool, though. it was for (y/n)'s own good, she needed it. and as long as (y/n) was happy, i was happy.

our dog was curled up on the end of the couch that (y/n) usually sat on. he loved her more. he was soundly asleep, his eyes shut, body still. i watched him carefully as his tiny body slowly moved up and down as he breathed. i smiled, petting the corner of his ear lightly so he wouldn't wake up. i finished the water i was drinking and set my cup in the sink. i would the do the dishes in the morning. i turned off all the lights except for the one lamp in the living room, that way the small animal sleeping on the couch wouldn't get too scared without (y/n) here.

i had brushed my teeth, washed my face, and gotten into my pajamas, curling up in our shared bed alone. i pulled the covers over my shirtless figure and sighed. i thought about (y/n). she was so lovely when she was happy. the last few days had been stressful and hard for her, and i tried my best to make it better.

i kept the light next to me turned on as i realized that i couldn't fall asleep without her. i sighed again, knowing that i'd be up until most likely three in the morning. she would curl up next to me, reeking of alcohol and telling me all sorts of cute gibberish. i would laugh and even though her mind and body would be intoxicated, so she wouldn't have any clue to what was funny, she'd laugh as well. then, we'd wake up in the morning, and she'd have the worst headache ever. i would be a good boyfriend and give her two advils and a water, letting that day be our lazy day.

or so i thought.

i continued to scroll through the countless photos of me and (y/n) that i had taken on my phone, the screen lit up with a notification, telling me that (y/n)'s friend. ariana, who i had never really approved of, was calling me.

"ariana?" i asked curiously? "what's up?"

"heyyyy," she said, dragging her words. i was talking to her through the phone and already i could smell the alcohol. "so, uh, daniel," she giggled. "me and (y/n) are a little drunk." she said.

"a little?" i chuckled to myself. (y/n) was a cute drunk. the thought of her falling asleep with her head on my chest, still muttering nonsense to me made my heart melt.

"yeah," she laughed. she cleared her throat. not as drunk as i thought she was. "sorry, i'm not as drunk as her. um, we need you to pick us up."

"what happened to leah being your driver?" i asked.

"leah?" ariana laughed. "you're funny, daniel. leah's in the corner with some dude that she'll probably go home with. and because i know leah, i know not to interrupt her."

i laughed. "yeah, i guess i can pick you guys up." i sighed. "can i talk to (y/n)?" i asked her.

she agreed and i heard her yell my girlfriend's name about four times until i heard her give the phone to (y/n). "i'm saphora, dora the explorer's bad bitch of a cousin - oh, hey, daniel," she said. i could hear the need of sleep laced in her voice, but she covered it well with excitement.

𝐰𝐝𝐰 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now