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3 - Sandwich

☆3 - Sandwich

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It was dusk. Hoseok sat on his colourful bed, drawing in his old, beaten sketchbook. He wasn't very talented, but it was something to keep him occupied, distracting him from the stress that came with school.

He found that the random scribbles and sketches he had just made, resembled a flower, a dying flower. Hoseok tugged at the paper and ripped it out along the perforation, balled it up and threw it into the trash, along with several others.

It was getting hard for Hoseok to focus on much of anything. Hoseok thought that he should've stayed with Yoongi at lunch, and made sure he ate. He couldn't help but think that if anything happened to Yoongi, it would be his fault, even if it wasn't.

Hoseok couldn't sleep that night. He lay under his covers, staring at his star-covered ceiling all night, thinking about what he would do at school the next day.

Hoseok stumbled down the stairs into the kitchen. He opened the fridge, looking for something he could bring for Yoongi. He made two sandwiches, fully prepared to feed the stubborn boy with faded blue hair at lunch.

Hoseok opened the freezer, grabbing the box of frozen waffles and taking one out, plopping it into the toaster. He pushed down the little button on the toaster and rushed to put his lunch in his backpack.

Hoseok's mother came down the stairs, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she asked, "Why are you up so early, love? School doesn't start for a couple hours."

He offered her a smile, which she hadn't noticed. "I decided to make my own lunch today."

Yoongi was asleep, his cheek pressed against his desk, lips slightly parted and hair tousled. Hoseok smiled softly as he shook his shoulder, waking him up. Yoongi stared up at the red-haired boy, burning a hole with his gaze. "Sorry, hyung. Class is starting."

Yoongi shrugged, flopping his head back onto the desk, and continued his sleep. It lasted the whole class period, not gaining the attention of anyone other than Hoseok.

The sound of the bell only vaguely buzzed in Hoseok's ears. He stood up and ruffled the sleeping boy's hair before leaving him in the room by himself.

"Yoongi," the teacher sternly told, startling him awake. "Do you not get enough sleep at home?" Yoongi shook his head quickly, saying "I'm fine," as he ran out of the room to get to his next class.

Hoseok walked over to Yoongi, stopping when he heard soft snores escape his lips. Hoseok frowned, wondering how someone could sleep so much.  "Hyung," he whispered, tapping on his arm. Yoongi grunted, still unmoving and Hoseok sighed.

Hoseok sat beside Yoongi, took a deep breath and yelled into his ear. "Yoongi!" Yoongi shot up, glaring at Hoseok. "It's Yoongi-hyung to you," Hoseok smiled, digging through his lunch for the extra sandwich. Yoongi stared at Hoseok, confused, as he held out the sandwich for Yoongi to take. He shook his head. "I'm not hungry." Yoongi couldn't stop the blush that began creeping onto his cheeks when Hoseok said, "If you won't eat, than neither will I."

Hoseok sat his lunch and the sandwich on the table beside him, crossing his arms and huffing immediately after. He stared at Yoongi, who was unmoving and avoiding Hoseok's gaze. "Please eat," Yoongi mumbled. Hoseok raised an eyebrow, saying, "Why won't you?"

Yoongi replied with, "I'm not hungry," but Hoseok didn't seem to buy it. "Well, neither am I," he deadpanned.

Yoongi sighed, grabbing the sandwich and unwrapping it. He glanced up at Hoseok, who had hope in his eyes, and took a bite.

Yoongi hated it. It wasn't the food itself, but how disgusting he felt when eating it, that Yoongi couldn't stand. Each bite he took made it so much worse, to the point that he felt a burning in his chest. They were two separate things, but he somehow connected them.

Yoongi knew what was about to happen, and no matter how many times he went through the same exact thing, he never seemed to get used to it. He stood up, slowly walking over to the bathrooms, hoping the pain would subside. He walked into to the farthest stall and latched the door behind him.

Yoongi fell to his knees, holding both sides of the toilet bowl as he threw up the sandwich he had just eaten. Hoseok ran into the bathroom, hearing the sounds coming from the last stall. "Hyung!" Hoseok's voice cracked and his throat suddenly felt painfully dry. "I'm sorry!" He yelled, breaking down into tears on the bathroom floor.

Yoongi felt a pang of guilt. "It's not your fault," he whispered, loud enough for only himself to hear.

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