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18 - World

☆18 - World

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Yoongi fell asleep in Seokjin's arms, his soft snores lulling the older to sleep as well. Yoonsuk walked through the door, smiling at the sight before him. He dropped to his knees, reaching under Seokjin's bed and pulling out a fuzzy blanket. He stood back up, carefully laying the two boys down on the bed, covering them with the blanket. Yoonsuk turned around, switching off the bedside lamp. "D-dad." He turned his head. "Yes Jin?" "C-can you turn my night light on?" Yoonsuk flipped he 'on' switch on the puppy night light plugged into the wall. "Thank you," Seokjin whispered, drifting off to sleep once again.


Seokjin gently stroked the sleeping boy's hair, careful not to wake him up. "I wish I could show you how much I love you..." Seokjin whispered, kissing the top of Yoongi's head. "Why can't you?" Yoongi yawned, stretching his arms and legs out across the bed. "I-I thought you were asleep!" Seokjin moved away from the younger, sitting up on the opposite side of the bed. "I was. You woke me up."

"Oh, I-I'm sorry," Seokjin's cheeks flushed a bright red as he ran into his bathroom. Shit, Jin. What did you just do? He turned on the faucet, splashing his face with cold water. After staring at himself for a good minute, Seokjin opened the bathroom door, revealing a sleeping Yoongi on his bed. He smiled to himself, crawling back under the covers and lying beside the mint-haired boy.

"Jin, Yoongi, you need to get up!" Seokjin's father yelled from the doorway, startling the two boys awake. "Dad! Jesus christ!" Yoongi giggled from beside Seokjin, amused by his reaction. "Is there food?" Yoongi asked, climbing off the bed. "Of course, kid."

Yoongi walked past Seokjin's father and down the stairs into the kitchen where Jaemin sat at the dining table. "Hey Yoongi, I don't think we've met. I'm Jaemin, Jin's step dad." Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "Step dad?" Jaemin nodded, smiling. "Yoonie, Jin's dad, and I are married. I hope you aren't homophobic or anything." Yoongi quickly shook his head. "No no, I'm gay, myself."

"Good." Jaemin grabbed a plate with pancakes and fruit, placing it on the table. "That's for you. Jinnie told me you like fruits, so made sure to include some." Yoongi sat down, nodding. "T-thank you." He ate his fruit first, Jaemin staring at his own food. "I have a question that I've been meaning to ask Seokjin, and I was wondering if you knew."

Jaemin looked at Yoongi, signaling for him to continue. "Do you know what his sexuality is?" Jaemin laughed, looking off somewhere behind Yoongi. "Of course I do. But why don't you just ask him?" Jaemin pointed to Seokjin who was standing behind Yoongi. He sat down beside ethe younger with his plate of food. "I'm bi-sexual. How about you?" Seokjin answered, taking a bite of his pancake. Yoongi bit his lip, picking up a strawberry. "I'm just gay." Seokjin hummed and nodded, his mouth still full.

"So I'm not dating Hoseok and he never confessed to me?" Seokjin nodded. "But why? Why did I imagine all of that? I don't understand." Seokjin shrugged at this, replying with, "I don't know exactly why. Maybe it has to do with how lonely you were. Hoseok was the only person you had, so your mind just couldn't accept it. But now, you have me and you'll never be alone again."

Yoongi sighed. "Why are you doing this?"  Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows. "Because I care about you, Yoongi-ah." "But why me?" "Because you're special and you deserve someone that can treat you like you're the only person that matters and give can you all the love you've been deprived of. Someone that can be your world." "Seokjin-hyung?" "Yes, Yoongi?" "Are you my world?" Seokjin shrugged, smiling. "Do you want me to be?" Yoongi nodded.

"Well Yoongi... you're already my world."

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