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15 - Boyfriend

☆15 - Boyfriend

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Yoongi pulled up his hood as he walked out of the school, feeling the heavy rain drops absorb into the fabric as he walked. "Yoongi-ah," Seokjin softly said from beside the younger. "Yes?" Seokjin slightly smiled as he finished his question. "Would you like to come over to my place, today?"

"Su- Wait, i can't. Not today. I'm meeting Hoseok at the park... I should get going." Yoongi turned and began walking in the opposite direction, towards the park. He looked around, scanning the park for the red-haired boy. He walked up to the first person he saw that looked similar, quickly turning around once he noticed it wasn't the one he was looking for.

Yoongi felt a tap on his shoulder, startling him. He turned around. "Were you looking for me?" Yoongi nodded; Hoseok laughed. "I didn't think you would get here so early, but it's fine. I just wanted to talk."

"Couldn't we talk at my house or something?" Yoongi asked, furrowing his eyebrows as Hoseok shook his head. "I wanted to make a confession, and the setting had to be perfect." Hoseok led Yoongi over to a park bench where they both sat down. Cherry blossoms and autumn leaves fell around them, colliding with the sprinkles of rain. "Min Yoongi... I really like you. And I want to be with you. So will you be my boyfriend?"

Yoongi's eyes widened as the younger grabbed onto his hand, intertwining their fingers. "R-really?" Yoongi stuttered, staring at Hoseok in disbelief. The red-haired boy nodded, plastering a smile across his face. "I- S-sure, I-I'll be your boyfrien-" Before Yoongi could finish, Hoseok smashed his lips against the older's. Yoongi pulled away, sighing. He had dreamed of this moment, of how perfect it would be, how their kiss would be the most amazing thing he had ever felt. Yoongi only then realized that dreams aren't reality, and they never will be. There was nothing special about their kiss, nor was there about that moment.

Yoongi wanted it to end.


"Yoongi? What are you doing here? Jin hadn't told me you were coming." Yoongi bit his lip, staring down to his feet. "Sorry, Mr. Kim. He didn't know." Seokjin's father nodded, letting Yoongi in. "He's up in his room."

"Thank you." Yoongi ran up the stairs, his hood falling down in the process. He knocked on Seokjin's closed door, not saying anything. The door opened, revealing a tired looking blonde. "Yoongi?" He rubbed his eyes, double checking that he was seeing things correctly. "Yoongi! You came!" Yoongi nodded, stiffling a laugh. "Are you going to let me in?"

Seokjin walked back into his room, gesturing for Yoongi to follow. The older picked up a few dirty clothes from the floor and threw them into the closet as Yoongi sat down on his bed. "It's really fucking hot in here, holy shit, hyung." Yoongi pulled his hoodie up and over his head, throwing it somewhere across the bed. Seokjin looked up, raising his eyebrows. "I-I like your shirt."

Yoongi looked down at his Mario themed shirt, then back up to Seokjin. "Oh, thanks." Seokjin walked over to his tv stand, sifting through his games before pulling one out. "Here it is!" He held it up like it was a golden trophy.

Seokjin shoved the disc into the console, smiling when the title displayed on the screen. Yoongi smiled, too, even letting out a faint giggle. Seokjin turned his head and Yoongi, only then realizing what he did, promptly covered his mouth with his hand. "S-sorry." The younger cast his eyes to the ground, heat rising to his cheeks. "It's okay," Seokjin grabbed the controlers, handing one to Yoongi. "You have a nice smile."

"T-thanks." Yoongi's face flushed an even darker red, only making Seokjin smile more. Yoongi glanced over at the blonde and mumbled, "Your smile is nice, too."

"Well yours is better!" Seokjin argued, a blush creeping onto his cheeks as well. "Okay, fine. But you're whole face is better than anything on me." "What? Yoongi! Have you looked in a mirror?" They continued like that for the rest of the night, complimenting each other whilst playing Mario on the console.

"Seokjin-hyung." Seokjin paused the game, turning to face Yoongi. "Yes?" "Can I stay here tonight?" He asked, shyly.

"Of course!" Seokjin jumped up. "I'll go tell my parents." He skipped out of his room, down the stairs the the living room where his father sat on the couch. "Dad! Jaemin!" Seokjin smiled innocently at the two. "What did you do?" Jaemin asked flatly. "No no, nothing. I just had a question."

Jaemin sat down beside his husband, raising an eyebrow. "Can Yoongi stay the night?" Jaemin's eyes seemed to light up, him immediately nodding. Yoonsuk slapped his arm. "I don't want you two sleeping in the same room. You seem to have a good friendship forming and I don't want you to mess that up." Yoonsuk told Seokjin, the blonde sighing, but nodding anyhow.

"Wait wait, Yoonie, It'll be fine. Jinnie cares enough about his friend to not be stupid. He wouldn't risk loosing him." Seokjin nodded, staring pleadingly at his father. Yoonsuk gave in, sighing. "Okay, but i'll be checking in on you guys just to make sure."

Seokjin rolled his eyes, smiling. "Thank you!" He ran back up the stairs into the room. Yoongi lay on his bed, one foot in the air as he played a game on his phone. He looked up, placing his phone face down beside him as Seokjin began to speak. "They said it's fine."

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