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20 - Guilt

20 - Guilt

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"The boy who had fallen off the roof just a few weeks ago, has now been identified as Jung Hoseok by several family members who reported him missing and connected his absence to his death with a picture of the body." Hoseok's mother shook her head, turning of the tv and walking into the kitchen. "Why do they have to advertise every single detail? He's not just a fucking news story!"

"Mina... please calm down. It's okay." Her husband placed his hand on her arm, immediately getting it smacked away. "No it's not! They don't even care about him or his life, they only care about publicly and money! Hoseok meant more than just a few hundred dollars. They should've put up the railings before he died. They could've prevented it!"  Mina was fuming as she paced around the kitchen. It seemed that all of her anger, frustration and sadness had decided to come out all at once. Tears began spilling out of her eyes, not ceasing for a second. "M-my baby went through so m-much... H-he didn't deserve to d-die like this."

"I know."  "D-do you t-think he did it on purpose?" Hoseok's father vigorously shook his head. "He would never do that. Don't worry about it." "I'm his mother! I can't help but worry!"


Jeonghan got on the plane, making sure to get in before Taehyung. He sat down beside the window, smiling as Taehyung huffed beside him. "Come on, Tae. It's not your fault; you can't keep blaming yourself." Taehyung rolled his eyes. "I can blame myself, Jeonghan. It was my fault for not staying by his side!"  Jeonghan furrowed his eyebrows, turning his body to face the window, watching as the workers below him loaded their bags into the plane. "Are you sure this is about Jimin? Or is this about Jungkook?" Taehyung shook his head as memories flooded his mind. He was too weak to deal with one death, let alone two.

"What? Do you like him or something?" Jimin laughed as Taehyung began blushing. "Oh shut up, Jimin."  Taehyung rang to doorbell, slightly stepping back as the door opened. "Tae!" Jungkook jumped onto Taehyung, hugging him like his life depended on it. They stayed like that for a few seconds before Jimin cleared his throat. "Let's go, guys. Lisa will meet us there." 

They walked to the Cafe side by side, solely enjoying the presence of their friends as the autumn leaves fell to their feet and tangled in their hair. Taehyung turned to Jungkook, smiling as he picked the individual leaves from his hair out, crunching them and letting the pieces fly away with the wind.

"Hey! You got that shit in my eyes, Tae! Leave the leaves alone!" Jimin shouted from behind Taehyung, causing the younger to giggle.

"Tae, wake up. We're here." Taehyung sat up, yawning.

Yoongi sat beside Seokjin, the only sound that could be heard was their frequent breaths as they melted into the air around them. "Hyung." Seokjin looked up into Yoongi damaged eyes, smiling. "Yes, Yoongi-ah?"  "Did you know Jungkook?" Seokjin's eyes widened at the name; he slowly shook his head. "Did you?"

"Jungkook was my friend. We met on the subway on my way to school."

Yoongi ran as fast as he could down the streets of Seoul, bumping into few people and ignoring the curses that came out of their mouths. Just as the subway doors were closing, Yoongi slipped his slender body through the crack, almost falling as he made it inside.

"Woah there! What's the rush?" A taller boy had his arms wrapped around Yoongi, preventing him from making contact with the ground. "I woke up late and I didn't want to be late for school," the smaller grumbled. The other boy nodded, pulling Yoongi up into a standing position and letting him go. "My name's Jungkook," he smiled. "I'm Yoongi."

"We almost immediately became friends." Yoongi smiled at the memory, averting his gaze down to his sweating palms. "He was just like that. Something about his aura just drew anyone in."

"A year or so later, I started noticing something off about him." Yoongi sighed, feeling a tightness in his throat that hadn't been there before. "I-I should've known. I should've asked him about it, talked to him-" Tears began falling from Yoongi's eyes as Seokjin embraced him in a hug. Seokjin's shirt became damp the longer Yoongi sobbed into it, but he didn't care; neither of them cared.

Yoongi finally pulled away from the older, continuing. "H-he was in love with Taehyung. It was obvious, but Tae refused to believe it. J-Jungkook killed himself. I-I know it was because of Tae, but i-it wasn't his fault; he was just s-scared; we a-all were. It was no one's fault b-but they all had to blame themselves." Seokjin nodded, grabbing onto Yoongi's hands. "It's oka-" "It's not okay... because Jimin ended up killing himself out of guilt and Tae doesn't know and- I left them, Jin! I left them all alone when they really needed someone to confort them. To help them get through it, as did I. I thought that running away from my problems and pretending they never existed would be better but it really wasn't. Everything is so much worse and I can't help but think it's my fault because it is."

"You have cancer!?" Mina shouted, almost shaking the house around them and her husband nodded feeling too guilty to say anything more.

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