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7 - Bad Dream

☆7 - Bad Dream

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Hoseok stared at Yoongi, worried for the older. "Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" He asked in a comforting tone. Yoongi shook his head, mumbling, "Not h-here."

"Can y-you come over to my h-house, afterschool?" Hoseok quickly nodded, seeming a bit more excited than he should be.

Once the last bell rang, Hoseok texted his mom, saying that he was going to a friends house and he would be back later.

He walked towards the school gates where he had waited before. This time, he had a better feeling that the person he was waiting for would show up. "Yoongi-hyung!"

Yoongi was staring to the ground with his hands in his pockets, when somehow, he tripped. Hoseok came running to the fallen boy and helped him stand up. "Hyung, are you okay?" He asked, scanning Yoongi's body for any injuries.

Hoseok's eyes fell to Yoongi's pants, which were ripped at the knee, beginning to soak in blood. Hoseok flinched at the sight as he picked Yoongi up bridal style. "Let's get you home." Hoseok carried the smaller boy to his own house, not knowing where Yoongi lived.

Seokjin watched them scurry away with a sad smile. He walked over to where Yoongi had fell and picked up a small piece of metal he saw fall from the younger boy's pocket. He sighed to him self, whispering, "Why do you do this to yourself?"

He stuffed the blade into his pocket, looking for a proper place to dispose of it as he walked home.

"Mother, can you get the first aid kit?" Hoseok sat Yoongi down on a chair at the kitchen table as he went to fetch to first aid kit from his mother.

He came back and kneeled in front of the bleeding Yoongi. "This is going to burn a bit." The older flinched before anything even happened. "Chill, hyung." Hoseok poured some alcohol onto the scrape on Yoongi's knee, causing him to hiss in pain. Hoseok cleaned it with a paper towel, the pain eventually subsiding.

Hoseok unwrapped a large bandage and stuck it over Yoongi's knee. He pat it once before standing up. With a smile, he told Yoongi, "All better!" Yoongi let out a small chuckle, slightly shaking his head.

"Ah, hello there! You must be Yoongi, I'm Hoseok's mom." Hoseok's mother greeted Yoongi with a smile resembling her son's. He stood up and bowed, saying, "Nice to meet you Mrs. Jung," with a smile that he had trouble keeping on. "You too." They awkwardly stared at eachother, not really knowing what to say, when Hoseok interrupted. "We were going to go back to Yoongi's house," She nodded, looking at Yoongi. "I- um... we can just stay here, if that's okay...?"

Hoseok shrugged, gesturing for Yoongi to follow him to his room upstairs, which he willingly did. Yoongi's eyes widened upon walking the through the door. Gosh, it's so bright in here. There were too many colours for Yoongi's taste, but it didn't surprise him one bit.

"Well..." Hoseok began, sitting himself on the side of his bed. He pat the empty spot beside him as he continued. "What was bothering you?" Yoongi walked to sit beside the younger, taking his time. He gulped before starting his answer. "I had a bad dream..."

Hoseok frowned, wishing Yoongi would just tell him what's on his mind.  "...But it really happened before, and I-" A lump formed in Yoongi's throat, making it harder for him to talk. "I got scared," his voice cracked as he finished. "Because I k-killed so-meone and I can't forg-e-et about i-it."

Hoseok's eyes widened impossibly as tears began streaming down Yoongi's cheeks like waterfalls. "A-and I c-c-a-an't sto-p  t-thinking a-bout wh-en y-you s-said you l-liked s-someone e-els-se a-n-nd a-aaccid-dental-lly I k-killed h-hi-im."

Yoongi took a deep breath, trying to steady his words. "I wish the c-car would've hit m-me instead."

In that moment, Hoseok realized that the two of them were never as different as everyone thought. They were both broken beyond repair and lacking so much emotionally.

"Do you mean, he's gone?" Hoseok asked, monotone, instantly regretting it when he did. Yoongi sobbed harder, nodding as he repeatedly apologized to the point that his voice was no longer understandable. 

Hoseok pulled the delicate boy into his arms, stroking his back and whispering to him. "I forgive you..." The two cried in eachothers embrace for what seemed like hours, but somehow, Hoseok felt happy.

He was happy, as well as sad, and he didn't understand it. He didn't understand the way that Yoongi made him feel so vulnerable, yet so strong, but he loved it. He loved what he didn't understand, and he didn't want this moment to end.

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