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9 - Roof

☆9 - Roof

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"So you decided to come?" Seokjin smiled weakly at the half asleep boy. "I-I'm sorry. I know I came uninvited, and I shouldn't have, but I really wanted to talk to you." The oldest began fiddling with his hands under the table, amazed at how nervous Yoongi could make him. "It's fine, really."

Hoseok glared at Yoongi, then back at Seokjin before furrowing his eyebrows. "When the hell did this happen?" It was a bit out of his character to say things like this, but Hoseok truly despised Seokjin. "Hoseokie, if we're both going to be hanging out with Yoongi, you're going to need to stop being so short tempered." Hoseok rolled his eyes, balling his hands into fists. "I'm only like this around you!"

"Could it be because you still like me?" Yoongi's head instantly shot up. Hoseok liked him? "Fuck you." Hoseok grabbed his lunch and stormed out of the cafeteria, leaving a confused Yoongi and a guilty Seokjin.

Seokjin lightly tugged on his bottom lip with his teeth, staring at Yoongi who was still unmoving. "Yoon-" "I should probably go with him." Yoongi shoved his hands into the pocket of his hoodie as he stood up to follow his friend. He started walking slowly, gradually getting faster as he reached the halls.

"Hoseok!" He quietly yelled, hoping to gain the red-haired boy's attention. Yoongi looked around the school, checking each bathroom and classroom with no sight of the younger. He was beginning to give up until he noticed a certain door ajar. A sign beside the door read, "Roof," and Yoongi decided to go out on a limb and assume that Hoseok may be up there. He pulled the door open just enough for his small body to fit through and closed it behind him.

Yoongi slowly walked up the eerie stairway, silently cursing himself as cobwebs tangled in his hair. Once he reached the top, he looked to his left, then to his right, still not finding the boy he was looking for. "Hoseok? Are you up here? It's kind of creepy and I don't like it."

"I told you not to get involved with him. Why did you?" Hoseok's voice appeared behind Yoongi, startling him and relieving him at the same time. The mint- haired boy turned around observing as Hoseok stared out onto the horizon. " Because I felt bad. I'm sorry, I didn't realize-"

"Just leave me alone." Yoongi didn't want to leave is only friend alone, so he slowly approached him, placing his hand on the youngers shoulder. "What happened between you two?" he asked in a soft tone, earning a sigh from Hoseok.

"Back before we knew eachother, Seokjin and I went to the same school. He seemed nice enough, and me be being, well, gay, I developed a small crush on him." Hoseok turned to face Yoongi, admiring his features. "So one day, out of no where, he began acting like a total bitch. He dated girls, just to dump them a couple days later, and took some to his house just to fuck them. Apparently, that wasn't enough for him, because once he found out that I had a crush on him, he took my best friend, to his house and he came back bragging about loosing his virginity before me. I just didn't want you to get hurt."

"Don't worry Hoseok-ah, nobody can hurt me more than you already have."

Yoongi walked back into the cafeteria near the end of their lunch period, expecting his table to be vacant, as usual, but it wasn't. Seokjin sat patiently in the same spot he was before. His friends gave him questioning glares, but he couldn't care less. He needed to talk to Yoongi, and the only thing he could think of as he waited for the younger boy was how he was supposed to explain this. Yoongi sat down in front of Seokjin, where he was before, as the bell rang.


"A young high school student died by falling off his school roof earlier today. After this incident, high schools in the area are planning to put in place new railings and safety precautions to prevent a fatality like this from happening again." Yoongi's mother quickly grabbed the remote and turned off the news. "How do they know he fell rather than him jumping?" Yoongi deadpanned, plopping himself back onto his bed. "The autopsy can tell you those things," She replied, walking towards Yoongi's door. "What do you want for dinner?"


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