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23 - In all honesty

☆23 - In all honesty

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The three boys got out of the car, stepping onto the grounds of the graveyard. "It's this way," Minhyuk gestures for the brothers to follow; they do. They walk around graves of hundreds of people, all different in age and wealth, yet still sharing the same resting space, as neither things matter for them anymore.

The gloomy atmosphere consumed Taehyung as they inched closer to the stone that holds Jimin's name. "Taehyung!" Someone grabbed his wrist from behind, Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows as he watched Jeonghan and Minhyuk walk away, not seeming to notice his absence. "It's okay, Taehyung-ah, I only want to talk."  Taehyung slowly turns, freezing as he watches the boy in front of him smile.  "N-no. Y-you're dead." The older only shakes his head, the smile on his face slightly faltering. "Do I look dead to you Taehyung?" Taehyung nods.

"How? What the-" "Because I know you're dead! I watched you fall off the roof! I'm the one who called the police! Are you here to haunt be because I didn't do anything? Or maybe because of what I did do? I'm sorry, okay? I wish I could've told you that when you were alive but you never gave me a chance!" Taehyung cried, suddenly screaming at the boy in front of him. "Just leave me alone, Hoseok! I know you're not real, I won't fall for it like Yoongi did!" Hoseok shook his head, still keeping a good grip on Taehyung's wrist. "Okay you're right but just listen to me." He began walking, pulling the younger along with him.

As the reached the top of a hill that Taehyung hadn't noticed was there before, they saw Jeonghan and Minhyuk standing before Jimin's gravestone, but they weren't alone. Taehyung saw himself setting the flowers that Jeonghan had brought, onto the grave as Jimin stood behind it, smiling fondly before turning his head to Taehyung and Hoseok. Jimin's eyes widened. "What the hell?" He screeched. "J-Jimin..." Taehyung stared in awe at Jimin, fighting his own tears.

"Hoseok! Care to explain what the hell is happening?" Hoseok sighed. "Don't worry, Jiminie. It's not Tae. He's not like, out of his body or something." Taehyung whipped his head around to look at Hoseok, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Hoseok disregarded the question, walking past Taehyung to Jimin. "I looked reaaally far into it, and I guess sometime in a year or so, Taehyung and Yoongi will get into an accident because of some argument they had in the car. So apparently that causes them to go into a coma for some amount of time, I'm not sure when they wake up because the records only go so far into the future." Jimin sat down behind his gravestone, crossing his legs. "So what does that have to do with 'not Tae,' being here?"

"I think the Taehyung and Yoongi from another universe had the same thing happen, and they're just in their coma now, and their souls inhabited our Taehyung and Yoongi, but... reversed." Jimin ran his fingers through his hair, trying to grasp Hoseok's words. "So you're saying that this..." Jimin gestured towards Taehyung, "... Is Yoongi? But from a different universe?" Hoseok shrugged, nodding.

Taehyung just stood there, not saying a word. His eyes were wider than it seemed possible as he listened to the conversation. "Hoseok... What are you saying?" Hoseok sighed. "I'm saying you need to wake up because you two are going to fuck everything up."

"I'm Y-Yoongi?"


"Yeah? Why is that such a shocker?" Namjoon rolled his eyes as Yoongi was left with his mouth agape, fumbling with his words. "B-because I killed you- Why do I keep seeing dead people?"

"First of all, you didn't kill me. The guy who was speeding in a school zone killed me. As for the second question, I don't really know." Yoongi frowned, glancing around the park. "W-where's Jin-hyung?" "I don't know-"

"Yoongi! Where were you? I've been looking all over for you!" Seokjin held onto his knees, panting. "I just... I thought I heard something," Yoongi glanced at Namjoon, who had furrowed his eyebrows. "Let's go back home, it's getting late," Seokjin reached in front of Namjoon, grabbing Yoongi's hand. "O-okay." As they walked away, Namjoon chuckled dryly. "Jesus Jin, I don't know why you're here or really anything about you, but I know for damn sure you can see me." Seokjin continued walking, but Yoongi stopped, pulling the older back. "Can you hear him?" Yoongi whispered. "Yoongi, stop. Let's go home." "You can't avoid me forever," Namjoon yelled, fading away into the darkness.

"Jin-hyung." Seokjin looked up from his phone. "Yes, Yoongi-ah?" Yoongi smiled at the older as he continued. "I just can't express how thankful I am to have you. In all honesty, I don't know what I would do without you. I probably would've gone insane by now, if it weren't for you being by my side." They both smiled.

Seokjin opened his mouth to speak, but was quickly interrupted by Yoongi, as he continued to talk. "I think that over the time I've known you, I've developed feelings for you that I never used to think were possible." Somehow, Seokjin's smile became wider upon hearing these words. "Yoongi... I love you." Seokjin leaned slightly closer to the younger. "I love you too," Yoongi pressed their lips together, wrapping his arms around Seokjin's neck. "I've waited for this moment for so long," The older whispered into Yoongi's neck, trailing kisses along it. "So have I," Yoongi replied.

The butterflies in his stomach, the smile that was ceasing to fade, it was what Yoongi had always dreamed of...

and he didn't want this moment to end.

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