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21 - Raspberries

☆21 - Raspberries

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"You must be Jeonghan?" The said boy smiled, nodding. "And you're Minhyuk?" He hummed in response. Jeonghan turned to his brother. "This is my brother, Taehyung. He was Jimin's friend." Minhyuk only nodded, saying, "Well, we have a lot to talk about."

Minhyuk led the two brothers two his car and helped them with their bags. Taehyung stared out the window as the airport faded into the distance. "Jeonghan..." Taehyung whispered towards his brother, still facing the window. "Do you think this will be okay?" Jeonghan placed a hand on Taehyung's shoulder. "It will be fine."

"Minhyuk... w-what was Jimin like? D-did he change?" Taehyung spoke up; He didn't notice the slight smile on Minhyuk's face. "I don't know what he was like before, but since I knew him, he was really caring and he seemed to put everyone else's problems before his. He made stupid jokes and talked a lot. He was friends with pretty much everyone and no one could bring themselves to hate him no matter what he said."

"Do you miss him?" Jeonghan asked, glancing at Taehyung. "Of course I do," Minhyuk sighed, keeping his eyes on the road. "Jimin was the best things in my life."

"We can go see him tomorrow, for now, you two need to rest." Minhyuk guided the brothers to a spare room with two beds.
Minhyuk held the door, "Call me if you need anything," and shut it. Jeonghan flopped onto one of the beds, smiling. "This is a nice bed."

Seokjin stood up once he was sure Yoongi was asleep. He took a few seconds to admire the younger before tip-toeing down to the kitchen. He slowly opened the fridge, pulling out the package of raspberries and setting them on the counter beside him. As Seokjin closed the refrigerator door, a voice from behind him startled him, causing him to bump into the counter. "Why did you leave me?" Seokjin sighed, turning around as Yoongi inched closer to the older. "I'm sorry. I was about to come back-" "You took too long." Yoongi pulled Seokjin back up the stairs, the blonde making sure to grab the package of raspberries as he was dragged away.

Yoongi flopped back onto the bed staring up at the ceiling. "Jin-hyung, are you afraid of the dark?" Seokjin plopped a fruit into his mouth, only to choke on it upon hearing Yoongi's question. "I-I w-what?" The younger slightly smiled, keeping his gaze focused above him. "It's okay if you are. We all have our fears... our secrets..."

Yoongi turned to face Seokjin who was standing by the door with wide eyes, the package of raspberries resting on top of his hand. "...Like me for instance. I'm not afraid of the dark, but I guess you could say I'm afraid of what happens in the dark. I get anxious the moment the sun goes down. I guess being with you helped me to not be afraid anymore, because I know that I'm safe with you. Now, the only thing you could say that I fear... is loosing you, of being left alone like I was before."

"Yoongi.." Seokjin walked over to the bed, sitting beside the mint-haired boy. He extended his arm in front of Yoongi, the latter furrowing his eyebrows in response. "Have a raspberry." The blank face Yoongi once held seemed to be nonexistent, as his lips curled into a wide, gummy smile, crinkling his eyes together. "H-hyung- Oh my god- I- You can't just say that out of nowhere and expect me not to laugh." "I don't see what's so f-" Yoongi hushed Seokjin, pressing his finger to the older's lips.

Seokjin smiled sweetly, letting Yoongi laugh his heart out. "Yes. I am afraid of the dark. I don't know why, but it just creeps me out. Now, shh... you might wake up my parents."

"Would you like a raspberry?" Yoongi jokingly asked, almost disregarding Seokjin's statement. "We're still on this?" Seokjin shook his head, smiling. "But I wouldn't mind if you fed me one."

Yoongi abruptly stopped laughing, staring straight at Seokjin who was holding back his own laughter. "I'm too tired for this shit," Yoongi crawled into Seokjin's lap, making himself comfortable as the blonde sat the raspberries on his side table, running his fingers through Yoongi's hair. "At least now I know why you're always so tired," Seokjin mumbled to himself.

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