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4 - Envelope

☆4 - Envelope

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Yoongi opened the front door with a sigh. He pushed it closed, leaning his back against it, when his father said,  "Hey Yoongi, how was your day?" from behind his newspaper in the dining room.

Yoongi closed his eyes and took a deep breath before answering. "It was good." He ran up the stairs, into his room before he could be asked any more questions.

Hoseok sat at the couch beside his mother, sifting through the mail. "Do you want to keep the coupons?" He asked. She glanced over at the papers in his hand and pointed to a stack on the coffee table. "Put them there." He nodded as he carefully set the coupons on top of the stack.

"Hoseok." He hummed in response, keeping his eyes on the papers in his hands. "What is this?" She held up an envelope with the name of a hospital on it. His eyes widened as he looked up and grabbed the envelope out of her hand. "It's probably old, don't worry about it. I'll just give it to dad." Hoseok smiled, hoping to somehow change the subject.  She shrugged it off and they both continued.

"I know we're running low on money, but that's no excuse to be working so late almost every day! It's not like our monthly income has increased at all, if anything it has decreased!"

Hoseok glanced over at his clock, reading 12:32. He sighed, covering his ears as he tried to fall back asleep.

"For all I know, you could be lying to me! You haven't told me a single thing, so of course i would get suspicious."

"I haven't told you anything because I don't want you to worry! I love you so much and i don't want you to be even more stessed than you were with Hoseok." 

Hoseok got up and slowly opened his door. He sighed, watching his parents argue at  the foot of the stairs.

After a while, he accidentally locked eyes with his father, quickly closing the door as soon as he saw him walking towards it. "Hoseok," he heard light knocking on his door. "Can I talk to you?"

He quickly replied, saying "No."  Hoseok didn't want anything to do with his father's lies, now that he knew they were ruining his parents relationship.

His father sighed, yelling through the door one last time before Hoseok decided to open it. "What do you want," Hoseok bluntly said, avoiding eye contact. His father walked into the room, gently closing the door behind him. "I know you want me to, but i can't tell her."

"She's going to be more upset if she finds out on her own. They sent you a letter and she almost found out, today." Hoseok walked over to his dresser grabbing the envelope on top and handing it to his father. "I know," His father sighed, staring at it.

ding, dong

"Yoongi, can you get the door!" Yoongi groaned pushing himself onto the floor, while simultaneously trying to fix his hair. He slipped on a hoodie and ran downstairs, holding onto the railing as he went.

Yoongi stood in front of the door, sighing. He turned the old, dusty doorknob, and opened the door.

His eyes softened, staring in awe at the person before him. He suddenly felt tears fill his eyes, it became harder for him to breath and she smiled, engulfing him in a hug. Yoongi began sobbing into her shoulder as she rubbed his back, saying "It's okay, I'm here now."

Yoongi felt comfort in her voice. It was soothing and gentle, something he could get used to.

He pulled away, forcing a smile. "I'm s-sorry mother, p-please come in." He opened the door a bit wider and she smiled as well, stepping into the house. She took a deep breath, absorbing the atmosphere around her. It was clear no one there was happy, everything was too dense, almost suffocating.

Yoongi's step mother came out of her room, staring at the two of them; her eyes widened. "Hana-unnie, what are you doing here?"

His mother bowed, saying "Hello, Mrs. Min," with a fake smile.

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