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6 - Friend

☆6 - Friend

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Yoongi walked to his first class, Hoseok by his side. "Are we friends?" Hoseok missed a step and tripped, almost falling after Yoongi asked this. He brightened as he asked in return, "Do you want to be?" Yoongi shrugged, saying, "I guess." He frowned, Hoseok not noticing through his excitement.

"Did you know you're my first real friend," Hoseok mumbled. Yoongi glanced at the younger who had been staring to the ground. "You too," Hoseok looked up at the boy with faded hair, staring into his glossy eyes. "Promise me you wont leave me..."

Yoongi frowned as his chest burned. He wanted to badly to give this broken teenager all of his love, but he couldn't. Yoongi knew he would need to give it to himself, for Hoseok's sake. So he promised, to never leave him, to compensate for his lack of love.

Yoongi held out his pinky finger, which Hoseok was glad to interlock with his own with a smile on his face. "I won't leave you," he promised.

They walked into their classroom and sat beside eachother. Yoongi stole occasional glances at Hoseok, as did the latter. They were content, comfortable in eachothers presence.

"Are you bulimic?" Yoongi llifted his head from the table and looked at Hoseok, shocked. "What the fuck?"

"Beca-" "I just can't eat lot of things, bread being one of them. Don't worry about me." Hoseok sighed, shrugging and trying to focus on his food. The thought that Yoongi may be starving himself, kept the younger from sleeping good, and now he couldn't eat because of it.

"What can you eat?" Yoongi shrugged. "Fruit?"Hoseok dug through his lunch, pulling out a strawberry and extending it towards Yoongi. He raised his eyebrows, examining the berry. "Why are you so determined?" Yoongi grabbed the strawberry and put it in his mouth, not bothering to take off the leaves.

"Because I care about you, Yoongi-Hyung." Yoongi's cheeks turned a shade similar to the strawberry he had just eaten, as he burried his face into his arms once again, falling asleep.

Yoongi walked across the street, as usual, avoiding human interaction as much as possible. He vaguely heard the screeching of someone's tires, progressing around him through his earphones. He turned around, seeing nothing, so he continued to walk onto the school grounds.

"Namjoon!?" He heard a loud, high-pitched scream from the street in front of the school. Yoongi perked up, looking around for the owner of that voice. He ran past the gates, back out onto the street, immediately wishing he wouldn't have. His teacher, Mrs. Lee, kneeled beside the bleeding body, fumbling on her phone to type the three numbers that would determine the students' fate.

The ambulance took Namjoon; Yoongi stood there in shock, even after the first bell rang, realizing it was his fault.

"He's in room 312." Yoongi nodded, heading into the all too familiar elevator. He pushed the button for the third floor, and waited. It was his 12th time visiting, and he truly hoped the boy would be awake this time.

He knocked on the door twice and opened the door. He wasn't surprised to see Namjoon fast asleep on the hospital bed. He gently closed the door behind him and walked over to the seat beside Namjoon. "I-i'm so sorry, Namjoon. It should've been me, not you. I'm sorry. I'm so-"

"What are you sorry for?"

Yoongi jumped out of his seat, falling onto his back. He quickly stumbled to his feet, opening the door and yelling to the nurses that he was awake.

Namjoon sat up, rubbing his eyes and trying to observe his surroundings. "What happened?" He asked, having no recollection of why he was there. "You were in a coma for a few months, you got hit by a car," the nurse answered from the doorway.

Yoongi tried to not listen, but it happened to be what he was best at. He couldn't hide his guilt, but he was ecstatic that Namjoon hadn't died because of him.

"Yay! You woke up!" She laughed, forming a sad smile. "But there is bad news..."

"I know we were never really friends, but I really need you to do this for me..."

"...I know this situation isn't very ideal, but you can live without me. You will overcome your cancer, even if I'm not there to see it. I love you." Yoongi wrote what he had said, word for word and handed Namjoon the paper. "It'll be better if you sign it." Namjoon nodded, reaching his quivering hand to grab the pen from Yoongi.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok wiped the tears from Yoongi's pale face, waking him up. He looked down at the smaller boy, truly concerned for him. "Are you okay?" He asked as Yoongi flicked the rest of his tears off his cheeks.

He thought about the question, and after a few seconds, he shook his head. Hoseok need to know what happened.

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