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12 - Frown

12 - Frown

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Yoongi went to school the next day, somehow covering more skin than usual. His shirt pressed against his new bruises, causing more pain than they already have.

"Yoongi-ah, don't you ever get hot?" Yoongi shrugged; he was used to wearing a hoodie and jeans, but this time, he wore a long sleeve t-shirt under it. He would be lying if he said he wasn't a little hot in that moment. "Why do you always cover yourself up? I bet your arms and legs are beautiful, no matter what scars you may have on them." Yoongi shook his head in response, walking ahead of Seokjin.

Seokjin sped up, catching up with the younger. "Why are you like this, Yoongi-ah?" Seokjin sighed, knowing he wouldn't get the answer he wanted. "Why are you like this, Seokjin-hyung? You're always asking me these personal questions like we're friends or something, but we're not." And no matter how many smiles Seokjin plastered onto his face, he couldn't hide the fact that Yoongi's words hurt him a bit more than they should have. Instead of letting Yoongi see his watering eyes, Seokjin ran into the school, trying his best to avoid the mint-haired boy

Yoongi mentally scolded himself for being so harsh, but he didn't know what to do. Seokjin was asking too many questions, and if he would've continued, Yoongi would've told him.

"Hey Jinnie-hyung, how was your day so far?" Seokjin glared at his friend who intruded his peaceful lunch. "Leave me alone, Taehyung. I sat alone for a reason." Taehyung scoffed, muttering an "obviously," under his breath as he sat down beside Seokjin.

"Yoongi-hyung has been giving you trouble?" Seokjin sighed, slowly nodding. He glanced across the cafeteria, watching as Yoongi flopped his head onto the table. "He said that Hoseok moved." Taehyung raised an eyebrow, pushing aside his lunch tray, so he could replace it with his elbow. "Did Hoseok tell him that?"

"I don't know! The last time I talked to Hoseok I was a total bitch to him!" Seokjin quickly wiped a tear from his cheek, hoping Taehyung wouldn't notice. "I'm sorry Jinnie, but there's nothing you can do." Seokjin sniffled, nodding . Taehyung grabbed onto Seokjin's cheeks, slightly pulled his head down and gently kissed his forehead. "I love you, Hyung. Please don't blame everything on yourself." With that, Taehyung stood up, walking back to the table occupied by his friends.

Yoongi sat in his last class, staring at the clock as it slowly ticked towards the final moments of the school day. He had packed his things ahead of time, anticipating the bell. He quickly shot up as soon as he heard it, pulling his backpack over his shoulders and leaving the classroom. 

He continued walking, hoping to avoid the stares of the students around him. "Fuck!" Yoongi soon learned why there was a rule against running in the halls, as he ran into the one person he was trying to avoid and fell. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" The boy offered his hand out to help Yoongi, but the younger was quick to smack it away "Why are you in such a rush to get home?" 

Yoongi narrowed his eyes, standing up and wiping the dirt off his black pants. "So I could avoid running into you." Seokjin didn't try to hide his smile as he replied. "That plan didn't work out that well, did it." The mint-haired boy rolled his eyes, turned around and walked away without saying another word. 

Seokjin watched as he left, his smile turning into a noticeable frown.

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