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8 - City

☆8 - City

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"Hey Yoongi, where were you?" His mother asked in a sad tone, almost as if she feared for her son. Shit. "YOONGI GET YOUR ASS IN HERE," His father yelled from upstairs.

"Mother..." he noticed a few bruises on her arm.  She shook her head, rolling down her sleeves. "I'll be fine. Do what you need to." And, he did. He ran straight past his fathers room, into his own, repeating his, almost daily, routine that he had hated so much.

He lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling that he had never took the time to truly study. It was an old, popcorn ceiling that he could easily peel if he was a bit taller.

Yoongi reached into his pocket, feeling the emptiness that it held. His heart skipped a beat, thinking of all the places that the missing item could be. His mind flashed back to his fall earlier that day; he scolded himself for being so irresponsible.

Hoseok watched as individual rain drops splattered onto the windowpane, reminding him that no matter how much you hold everything in, it will eventually come pouring down harder than anticipated.

He thought of himself as a wet rain cloud. He just got heavier and heavier until he eventually couldn't stand the pool building up inside and poured it out onto an unexpecting city. His emotions were his pool; Yoongi was his city. Hoseok would never blame the city for the deaths within it.

In his mind, it was his own fault for getting too attached to someone who could never feel the same. Hoseok rained on him for so long, and he eventually drowned.

Yoongi quietly unlocked and opened his door, making his way downstairs with his backpack as the leaves outside rustled in the cold wind. He took notice of the soft snores coming from the couch. His mother was sprawled out onto the couch, legs over the armrest and arms dangling off the side.

She seemed to be sleeping peacefully until Yoongi knelt down, grazing her bruises and scars with his fingertips. Her eyebrows furrowed before quickly jolting her arm away from his grasp. "Yoongi..." she sat up, staring at her son with worry evident in her eyes. "Why do you let him treat you like this? You aren't together anymore; you can do better," he whispered in a sweet tone.

She shook her head as Yoongi began to stand on his feet, not taking his eyes off her. "I can't do better... your father is the only one who will ever love me."

Yoongi sighed, shaking his head as well. "None of that is true and you know it."
He pulled his hood over his freshly brushed hair and walked out the front door, careful not to make it click as he closed it.

It was too early for him to head to school, but that was fine. He had to make a stop elsewhere, first. It was about the same distance of Yoongi's house to the school, and he got there at the perfect time.

Hoseok had just opened the door when he saw a boy with faded mint hair standing at his doorstep. He was startled, but tried to keep his composure as he greeted Yoongi. "H-hey, Yoongi-hyung. Why are you here?"

Yoongi walked up to the red-haired boy and stood next to him. "I was going to walk to school with you." Hoseok nodded and continued to walk away from his house to school, Yoongi right beside him.

"Y-Yoongi-ah..." Seokjin grabbed onto Yoongi's shoulder just as he was standing up. Yoongi sighed, looking up to face the older. "Can I sit with you at lunch? Y-you seem lonely."

He shook his head. "I'm not lonely, I have Hoseok-ah." Seokjin looked up and smiled, "Oh right, yeah," as he walked away. He was evidently a bit hurt, which is what made Yoongi decide that it might not be such a bad idea. "Wait..." Yoongi said, hoping to get the attention of the older.

Seokjin continued walking to the cafeteria, not hearing Yoongi. If he had, he would've turned back in an instant. Instead, the younger was left in the classroom, thinking that he was being ignored.

Seokjin sat down with his beaming friends. "Hey Jin-hyung!" One of them yelled from beside him. "What's with the sad face?" They added. Seokjin lay his head on the table with a sigh. "Taehyung-ah, I don't think i'm ever going to get through to him."

Another boy from across the table smiled and said, "I still believe in you, Jinnie-hyung!"

"Oh, hush, you're only saying that because you want to win the bet."

"No! I actually want Jinnie-hyung to become his friend!"

"Sure you do."

"Jin-hyung, where are you going?"

Jin had stood up from his seat and began to walk towards another table. He sat down, smiling at the boys across from him. "What are you doing?" The red-haired boy asked in a hushed tone. "I'm sitting, Seokie."

"I mean, why here?" Hosoek clarified, begging to get frustrated. Seokjin sighed. "I wanted to talk to Yoongi-ah."

Hoseok rolled his eyes, staring straight through Seokjin. "Well, he's asleep, so you can go back to your asshole friends and leave us alone." Seokjin was begining to panic; he didn't want to leave just yet. He looked around thinking of an excuse. "Yoongi asked me to come!" Hoseok's eyes widened, as did Seokjin's.

Yoongi slowly lifted his head, shocked when he saw the blonde haired boy right in front of him. "So you decided to come?"

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