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22 - Namjoon

☆22 - Namjoon

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"Yoongi... you need to come home. We haven't seen you in days." Yoongi replayed his mother's voicemail as he sat on the bathroom floor. Two knocks on the door break him out of his trance. "Yoongi-ah, you need to come out. Jaemin made lunch." Yoongi locked his phone, setting it on the counter as he opened the door. "Thank you." 

"You like ramen noodles, right Yoongi?" Yoongi nodded, pulling out a chair at the dining table beside Seokjin and sitting in it. Jaemin set two bowls in front of the boys, the steam fogging up his glasses. "Yoongi, don't you think your parents are going to want you home? It's been a week already. They must be a little worried," Seokjin's father asked; Yoongi shook his head. "My mom knows i'm here. It'll be fine."

"We just don't want them to come looking for you and us end up in trouble for letting you stay here-" "Say, kid, do you plan on going home at all?" Jaemin interrupted his husband, the latter glaring at him. "Well I was thinking... If I stayed here for a few more months I wouldn't have to go back because I would be 18..." Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows, turning to face Yoongi. "Unless you give me a good reason why you can't go home, I'm not letting you stay here any longer." Yoongi shook his head, whispering to the older. "I can't." He pushed his food away from him and rushed up the stairs into Seokjin's room.

"Jin, this isn't going to work out the way you want it to," His father sighed. "If he doesn't admit what happened to him, we can't do anything about it." Seokjin stood up, following in Yoongi's tracks. He knocked on the door to his room, not receiving an answer. "Yoongi-ah, please. I need to talk to you." He heard footsteps from behind the door as it clicked unlocked. Seokjin slowly opened the door. "Yoongi-ah... I'm sorry-" Yoongi threw himself onto the older, wrapping his arms around his waist and burying his face into his chest, muffling his voice. "P-please don't make leave." Seokjin rubbed the younger's back. "I won't, Yoongi, I promise, but please just tell me... we can get anyone who's hurting you arrested, I just need you to tell me-" "No! I-I don't want him to go to jail because of me."

Yoongi pulls back, staring up at Seokjin with pleading eyes. "What does he do?" Seokjin asked, gently grabbing onto Yoongi's hand. "Every night, he drinks. Like a lot. And he's done it ever since I can remember. He used to just be a funny drunk. He would make stupid jokes and constantly laugh... but eventually, the laughter turned to anger and instead of settling his problems, he took them out on me." Yoongi pulled on the colar of his shirt, exposing his shoulder. He looked up, checking if Seokjin was still listening; he was. "This..." Yoongi pointed to a deep scar on his shoulder. "...Is from the first time he hurt me. He stormed into my room in the middle of the night and stabbed my shoulder with a pen." Seokjin's eyes widened as he examined the scar. He lightly grazed his fingertips over it, and a wave of anger rushed through him. "He deserves to be in jail! Maybe even prison, Yoongi. Why can't you see that?"

"Hyung, I can't do that to him. No matter what he's done, he's still family, he's still my father." Seokjin grabbed Yoongi's other hand, squeezing them both, tightly. "Then let me do it. I don't want to see you in pain."

"Every time you see me, Jin-hyung, I'm in pain. Emotional and even sometimes physical pain. This won't help." Seokjin loosened his grip on the younger's hands; Yoongi dropped them to his sides.  "Me too," The blonde mumbled with a sigh, avoiding eye contact with Yoongi. "But I feel like my pain might be going away the longer I'm with you because I'm not lonely anymore."

"How could you be lonely when you have so many friends to fill that loneliness?" Seokjin smiled, a sad smile. He stared at Yoongi taking note of every little thing. "Because they don't fill the loneliness... they just cover it up."  "And I fill it?" Seokjin nodded, watching as Yoongi's face twisted in confusion. "What's so special about me?" Seokjin ran his hand through his hair, building up his courage before blurting out, "Everything."

Yoongi stood there, mouth agape for a few seconds before Seokjin spoke up, again. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable..." Seokjin trailed off, looking everywhere but at Yoongi. "No i-it's fine.. That's just.. the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." Yoongi smiled, his cheeks turning a light shade of red.

"Let's go out somewhere."

Seokjin and Yoongi walked hand in hand through the park, admiring the scenery around them. Yoongi listened to the splashing of the water in the fountain as it filtered through. He watched as the day turned the evening and the crowd became less and less.

"Yoongi!" Said boy turned around upon hearing his name, scanning the vicinity for the unknown voice. "Over here!" A hand waved from behind a distant tree, motioning for Yoongi to follow. "I-I'll be back." Yoongi let go of the older's hand, walking towards the tree. "Hello?" He called; no one answered. "Is anyone there?" Once again he asked into the cold abyss of the park, a hand grabbing onto his shoulder in response. "Hey Yoongi-hyung. What are you doing out here so late, all alone?" Yoongi shivered at the vaguely familiar voice. "I'm not alone-" Yoongi turned around, pointing in the direct he had left Seokjin, but no one was there. He looked back to his shoulder, finding nothing, no hand or creepy voice, just a flower, a flower that seemed almost as sad as he was.

The sky progressively got darker as Yoongi searched for Seokjin. "He's gone, Yoongi-hyung. Stop trying." "Who are you!" Yoongi turned to the direction the voice came from, his eyes immediately widening.


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