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11 - Disc

☆11 - Disc

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Seokjin ran to catch up with Yoongi afterschool. He grabbed onto the youngers' arm, pulling it out of his pocket before he could protest. "Aish! Hyung!" Yoongi tried to pull his arm away, in panic, but his small bit of strength was no match for Seokjin's. "I saw you drop something a while back, and it made me suspicious." He used his free hand to pull the small piece of metal out of his pocket; Yoongi's eyes widening in the process. "Tell me that you don't use this on yourself-" "I don't have to tell you anything." "I wont let you go home until you tell me."

Yoongi sighed, looking to the ground as he mumbled something under his breath. Seokjin perked up an eyebrow, saying, "Speak u-" "I said go ahead. It's not like I want to go home anyway."

So they stood there, neither one willing to give up. 5 minutes passed, then 10, before Seokjin decided to speak. "Do you want to come over to my place?"  Yoongi looked up and nodded. "Sure."


"Okay. So, this is my house, um... that's my dad," Seokjin pointed to a man sitting at the dining table and he waved.  "And um... m-my room is upstairs. L-let's go there!"

Yoongi's lips curved into a small smile at the sound of the older's stuttering. "I'm Min Yoongi, Seokjin's friend," Yoongi bowed towards the man at the table as he skeptically looked between the two boys. "Just friends?" Seokjin's face flushed a bright red, while Yoongi only nodded. Seokjin rushed up the stairs, hiding his face from the younger. "Let's go!" Yoongi followed closely behind.

"Okay, so lets talk."Seokjin said once his face had cooled down, turning towards Yoongi; Yoongi sighed. "Let's not." Seokjin rolled his eyes starting to get frustrated with the mint-haired boy. "Fine" Seokjin stood up and opened one of his drawers, searching for something specific. "Let's play a game." He pulled out a disc, placed it inside the machine under his TV and handed Yoongi a controller. 

Seokjin sat back down beside Yoongi on his bed, holding his own controller. He pushed a button on his remote, turning on the TV and console. "Have you ever played this before?" Seokjin asked as the title screen displayed in front of them, tilting his head towards the younger beside him. Yoongi shook his head, still facing forward and gripping onto his controller like his life depended on it, coating the plastic with a thin layer of sweat.

"Fuck!" Seokjin yelled, quickly covering his mouth immediately after.  "Damn, Hyung. Never been beaten before?" Yoongi asked in a sarcastic tone, trying to keep his smile from taking over his face. "Of course not!" Seokjin replied, not even needing to think about it.

Yoongi pulled his phone out of his pocket, subconsciously checking the time. He froze realizing it was already 1 in the morning. "Oh crap, I'm sorry, I have to go. My dad will beat the shit out of me if I don't come home."He quickly grabbed his backpack, heading for the door when Seokjin grabbed onto his arm. "I swear to god, if you're being serious right now, I'm not going to let you leave my house."

"I have to." Yoongi forcefully pulled his arm out of Seokjin's grasp and left his room, slamming the door behind him. Yoongi ran home as fast as he could, ignoring the searing pain coursing throughout his body.

Yoongi walked to the side of his house, looking for his window. He took a deep breath before grabbing onto the lattice that led to his room and climbing it. He slowly peeked his head up into the window, watching as the light turned on and his heart stopped. His drunken father stood in the doorway, staring Yoongi dead in the eyes.


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