Parole Granted

398 20 10

Dedicated To sherlocktroll98

"Zayn Malik."

"Yup, thats me." Zayn responds to the parole officer.

"It seems that after reviewing your record, it is the opinion of this board that you have responded positively to the rehabilitation program." The man tells him. "It is also our opinion that you have spent sufficient time in this institution as punishment for the crime you have committed."

Zayn is giddy on the inside. He knows that this can only mean one thing.

"Parole granted." The man says.

"May I smoke?" Zayn asks.

"Yes, of course." The man says.

Zayn lifts the cigarette to his lips and takes a long drag from it.

He exhales the smoke with a smile on his face.

"Thank you."

"Mr. Malik, the terms of your parole are quite specific." The 2nd parole officer tells him.

"In what way?" Zayn asks as he gives her the side eye.

"As soon as you leave here, you are to go directly to the airport. You are going home to California. You are immediately to go to your parole officer every two weeks thereafter. Do you have any questions?" She asks him.

"Yeah. You got any cologne?" He asks them with a smile on his face.

QOTC?: So, what did Zayn do to be in prison?

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