Bachelorette Party

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"Here's your truck." The Jamaican cab driver says as he pulls up in front of Amelia's apartment building. "Hey, this is where Amelia Andrews lives!"

"You're right." Liam confirms.

Zayn is in the back, confused at the driver's statement.

"Hey." The cab driver says impressed with his own statement.

"How did you know that?" Liam asks the driver as Zayn exits the cab.

"I had her in my cab once." The driver says with glee as Liam stares at him in disbelief. "Peace."

"You want to hurry it up in there?" Zayn says as he opens up a flabbergasted Liam's door. "Come on." He says pulling Liam out of the cab.

Liam's body tingles.

"Does that feel better, Jeff?" Amelia asks the UPS driver as she is massaging his bare back.

"Yeah." He answered as Amelia's bridesmaids are huddled around Jeff's space, staring at him as if he were a God.

"Lots of people take the UPS for granted, don't they?" She asks as the doorbell rings. "Not us." She says.

Jeff moans.

Amelia looks up as the butler opens her door.

Liam walks into her apartment. Not even thanking the butler.

"Liam?" Amelia says in a nervous tone. "This is my bridal shower, you're not supposed to be here. Why are you dressed like that?" She asks noticing his attire. "Can't go to the co-op interview dressed like that. Did you get the ring?"

"How's it hanging?" Jeff dumbly asks as the bridesmaids fawn over Liam's gorgeous looks.

Liam simply stares at Jeff as he makes his way further into the apartment towards the house phone.

Amelia pulls her hands away from Jeff's shoulders to walk towards Liam when-

"Amelia, my God." Zayn greets in bougie tone of voice as he makes his way into the apartment.

Amelia is shocked....and confused to say the least.

"Well, you just look every bit the little thing Liam described."

"Liam, who is this man?" She asks flirtatiously once she takes a good look at Zayn.

"Liam, shame on you. I thought you told Amelia. Well, I'm Liam's cousin. Zayn Javvad Malik. Give me a hug." Zayn says giving the woman a tight hug. "I just love that little thing you're wearing." He says gesturing to her black metallic blazer, plaid shirt and boots. "Liam, she's got the cutest little figure. What a cute, teeny tiny almost non-existent little figure." He says running his hands up and down Amelia's sides, making her shudder with complete pleasure . "I'll mingle. Presents!" He says making his way towards Amelia's gifts.

"Liam, now, you didn't say anything about a cousin at all." Amelia says fixing up Liam's attire.

"Very complicated, dear." He says covering the bottom of the receiver. "Yes, ASPCA? Yes, I would like to report a wild Concolor missing."

"Dear, I thought we agreed the guest list was locked." She says buttoning Liam's top of the tuxedo. "Are you listening to me, Liam?"

"No, no, dear, I'm not." He tells Amelia. "A Patagonian Felis Concolor. Last seen at 57th and Fifth. I'll hold."

"Dear, what is this about?" She asks Liam as Zayn is busy mingling.

"Your mother's car was stolen from Cartier, Amy. A very rare animal was in it."

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