Truths And Lies

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"All right, we're here." Zayn says as he parks the car in front of the bank about ten minutes later, with five minutes to spare.

Liam sighs......contently?

"Wanna give me that box number now, Payne?" Zayn asks as he steps out of the car.

"Not till we're inside." Liam says as he got out of the car.

"Oh." Zayn groans as he steps out of the car while the cat softly growls. It's not fair.

Liam and Zayn walk to the front doors of the bank, but its locked.

"Oh, no." Liam says nervously. "Excuse me. Excuse me." He tells the security guard while Zayn fidgets in annoyance. "Please, I cannot be with this man another minute."

The guard simply shakes his head, giving them a blank look.

"Don't give me that shit!" Zayn states.

"Open up. He has to catch a flight." Liam argues. "He really does!"

"Come on!" Zayn pleads with the guard who isnt budging.

"Please, sir!"

"Two seconds."

"Let us in."

"Two seconds. Pretty please?" Zayn pleads again.

"Look, I'm wealthy and I'm busy." Liam says indicating to his still pristine tuxedo.

"Waddle on over here and open up." Zayn says to the fat man.

"Tomorrow morning. 10 o'clock." The guard says as Liam is showing him his little agenda that he pulled out of his pocket.

Zayn gives him a 'Really?' kind of look.

"Tomorrow morning?!" Perfect! Liam states angrily.

He and Zayn turn away from the doors as he pockets his agenda.

"Oh, look, what do you care, huh?" Zayn asks. "Just give me the fucking box number, and we'll go our separate ways."

Liam turns around, in shock.

"What?" Zayn asks irritably.

"I can't, I gave my word. I promised that I would personally see you on that fucking plane! Now, I'm sure the concept's just alien to you but, where I come from, a person's word really means something."

Zayn simply rolls his eyes.

"All right, then. I'll make it easy on you. I give you my word. Tomorrow morning, come here, open up the box and I'll get on the plane all by my damn self. I'll even call you when I land. Simple."

"You're lying." Liam automatically says.

"Really? And how would do you know?" Zayn challenges not appreciating Liam's tone.

"Your lips are moving." Liam says, narrowing his eyes at Zayn, pinching his fingers together. "Your lips are moving, you're blinking and you're also twitching."

Zayn's mouth drops in disbelief.

Liam scoffs.

"Hey!" Zayn yells in realization as Liam walks away from him. "Do you know what I think, Payne?" He asks as they are back at the car. "I think that you wanna stay with me."

Liam simply stares at Zayn.

'Crap.' He thinks to himself. 'I've just been busted. Whatever you do, deny it.'

"Yeah, but you just can't admit it." Zayn says pushing his finger in Liam's chest.

"You-you think that I would want to stay with you?" Liam asks, not wanting to confirm Zayn's opinion because he does, in fact, want Zayn at this point. "I mean, that I would actually want to stay with you?" Liam asks in disbelief. He turns away from Zayn and talks to the crowd of people passing them by. "Do you believe this?" He turns and looks back at Zayn. "Sir, I'm surprised your fucking goddamn shadow keeps your crazy ass company."

Zayn purses his lips and turns to a woman who's waiting for the light to change.

"I'm an ex-convict and he's with me." Zayn tells the woman with glee.

"Shut your fucking mouth up." Liam says trying to cover Zayns mouth.

"We killed two people, a pimp and a fat man and he did most of the work." Zayn continues.

"Yeah, I killed a pimp." Liam says in a sarcastic tone. "What are you-Stop!"

"Liam James Payne is the father of my child but he doesn't want to admit it, 'cause he's a motherfucking lawyer!" Zayn shouts causing some people to stare at them.

Liam glares at Zayn and his hot devilish smile.

He was about to say something when his watch went off.

It's 5:57.

He's nearly 15 minutes away from his co-op meeting.

"My co-op!" He says looking at the time. I'm driving.

"Hey. Hey!" Zayn yells as Liam walks away from him. "Oh, oh, I get it. Yeah, you care more about getting your fucking apartment than finding the pimp that set me up, is that it, huh?" He asks as Liam gets in the driver's seat.

"Obviously." Liam says with a loud snort.

"So you're saying that my problems don't rate?!" Zayn asks.

The tiger roars loudly from inside the cage.

"And what the fuck are you looking at?" Zayn asks Murray.

Murray looks down.

"Don't talk to him that way, you fucking prick!" Liam chastises as Zayn sits in the passenger's side.

Murray perks up, looking at Liam.

"Don't tell me what to do, Brown Eyes!"

The car phone rings.

"What?! Who the fuck is it?!" Liam answered angrily.

"Liam, it's me." Tori says from the other side of the call.

"Who the fuck are you talking to, Brown Eyes?!" Zayn demands.

"I'm working on it, goddamn it!" Liam snaps irritably.

"How the fuck can you talk to somebody at a time like this? Huh?" Zayn asks angrily. "I spent three shitty years of my life in the hole, waiting for the chance to get out and clear my name, and I will know vengeance up in this bitch!"

"You mean, he's still in town? You said he was going to be on the 1:45." Tori tells Liam as Zayn is still going off on Liam.

"He missed the 1:45."

"And who the fuck is that?!" Zayn asks.

"Shhh." Liam says, putting a finger over Zayn's lips.

"Don't you shush me, you pompous rich boy!" Zayn snaps pushing Liam's finger away. "Nobody ignores Zayn Motherfucking Malik!"

"Oh, I see. Perhaps my instructions were a bit oblique." Tori says over the phone.

"Give me that fucking phone!" Zayn snaps, snatching the phone away from Liam. "I am Zayn Motherfucking Malik and I will not be denied!" Zayn says.

Liam just sighs tiredly as he starts the car.

"I will know vengeance!" Zayn yells into the phone, yelling at Tori.

Liam pulls away from the curb as Zayn lifts his gun in the air and starts shooting like crazy.

'Why do I put up with him?' Liam asks himself as he is driving.

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