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Zayn is struting fiercely through the cell, sporting a huge smile on his face, carrying a couple cartons of cigarettes. As he reaches the entrance of the cell, the security guard unlocks the cell.

As he starts walking, several prisoners are simply standing around, awaiting to send Zayn off with well wishes and such.

"These two cigarette stashes are all yours, Vincent." Zayn says as he hands the cartons to him.

"Man, thanks, Z." Vincent says as he plants a kiss on Zayn's lips.

"No problem, V. I'm gonna miss you."

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Vincent teased.

"They haven't invented anything that you wouldn't do, babe." Zayn jokes.

Vincent smiles.

Zayn walks a little bit further and runs into another prisoner.

"Later, Alfie." Zayn says holding up his hand for a handshake.

"Later, Zaynie, baby!" Alfie says, giving Zayn a firm handshake, a hug and a kiss on his chin.

After a moment, Zayn grabs Alfie's head, plants a kiss on Alfie's lips then starts walking to the main station to gather the rest of his belongings.

"MOVE IT!" Donovan barks at Zayn who's skipping like an idiot.

"I'm skipping here!" Zayn snaps.

The other prisoners simply watch Zayn leave.

"Man, am I going to miss him." Vincent says.

"Me too." Alfie says. "He was a good kisser."

"And then some." Vincent says with a smile on his face.

"And then some." Alfie repeats with a huge smile on his face.

They both sigh.

Jail would never be the same without Zayn in their eyes.


Liam has just arrived at the harbor. He parks the car and exits the car, making his way through the busy area.

A minute later-

"Bernie!" Liam greets.

"Liam! How is it going? You look like a million dollars." Bernie greets.

"Says you." Liam responds. "So how are you today, my friend?"

"I'm doing the best with what I've got." Bernie says.

"That is good." Liam says. "So where is the cat?"

"Ahh, the cat is right here." Bernie says, motioning to a cage about six steps away from Liam.

Liam looks at the cage that is covered with the tarp and walked up to it.

He lifts the tarp and is greeted with a tiger.


"FUCK!" Liam exclaims as he steps back from the cage, letting go of the tarp.

"YES! LIAM FINALLY CURSED!!!" Bernie exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air. "I never thought I'd live to see that day come at all."

"Please tell me that this-this thing ate the actual cat!" Liam says, trying to regain his composure.

"Sorry to say this to you, but this is the cat." Bernie says apologetically.

"Shit!" Liam says as he turns away from the cat and moves towards Bernie.

"It's a beautiful day, hearing my friend cuss. I am so proud of you." Bernie says as he's wiping his imaginary tears.

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