Tori Andrews

171 11 30

Dedicated To: hufflebit - A New Friend

"Three years?! But I thought that he was supposed to be in jail for the full fifteen years!" Tori says to the person over the phone.

"Well, he's been paroled, plus he's getting out for good behavior."

"Good behavior?"

"That's correct, Tori."

"I see. So where is he going?"

"He's going to California."

"California." Tori repeats.

"And his parole officer is waiting for him there?"

"From what Danny told me, his parole officer is definitely await for his arrival." Hunter tells him.

"Ok, so how can we make sure that he's going to get on the plane?"

"I have been notified that no one will actually be there to see him board the plane."

"Wait, you're actually telling me that you nor your people won't be present to see him board the plane at all?" An angry Tori asks as he sits forward in his seat.

"No, I-"

"Well, thanks for that information, Hunter. Now, put Joe back on the phone." Tori demands.

Joe is back on the phone.

"Joe, you better tell me that you have some good news pertaining to this whole flight situation, immediately." Tori says over the phone.


"Because, Joe. I said because."

"Well, I'm still in the loop myself, so you're gonna have to tell me why I need to get this information immediately and you're going to tell me why, because I have to take my wife for her appointment with the OB/GYN, like now."

"I can't tell you why, Joe. Believe me when I say that you need to give me good news."

"Then I have to tell you that I can't-"

"Listen to-"

"I really can't-"

"STOP TALKING!!!! I do not care, if you have to go to your wife's ultrasound appointment! I do not care if you have to reschedule your appointment with Sam about your next big law firm opening after you're wife's appointment! I do not care if you have to die and come back to life to get my shit done! I just heard that this fucking snoop is getting of jail for good behavior after three years and the star is Zayn Malik. So you go upstairs and you get the information that I need, NOW!" Tori barks as he slams the receiver down.

As Tori leans back in his chair, the door to his office opens.

He looks up.

"Daddy!" Amelia greets as she enters her dad's office.

"Amy." He greets. "How are you, my princess?"

"I need help." Amelia says.

'Literally.' Liam thinks, distastefully.

"Which of these glasses is the best for the champagne?" She asks him. One is a standard champagne flute and the other is a champagne flute with a silver design running from the stem, which turns into gold, running halfway up the flute itself.

"Pick whichever glass you want." Tori tells his daughter.

"The standard champagne glass looks delightful." A man from Amelia's clique says.

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