Happy Endings

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"So, still putting in for that transfer?" Louis asks as he doesn't even notice the cake on the corner of his upper lip.

"Yeah." Harry says as he closes the car door. "I'll talk to the Captain first thing in the morning."

"Tomorrow is Sunday, man." Louis says running his hand down his face.

"Oh, yeah, that's right." Harry says. "Well, in that case, forget it. Besides, you know....what'd you do without me, anyway?" He says shyly.

Tori and Tom, who are handcuffed, are looking at both men suspiciously.

"You know?" Harry says quietly, looking at Louis.

Louis starts laughing.

And laughing.

And laughing.

Until he stops.

He looks at Harry.

They stare at each other.

Tori and Tom are just looking at the two men, wondering what is going on.



They both move together and their lips meet up over the driving gear, and they start making out like crazy.

"Ahh, man! That's gross!" Tom says.

"How am I supposed to have sweet dreams tonight?!" Tori yells out, disgusted by the two officers giving each other a disgusting kiss.

"Ahh!" Billy yells in total disgust as he is tied up on top of the car, witnessing the saliva exchange.

Amelia is currently making her way to the bathroom on her private jet, just happy that Liam has now found happiness of his own, especially after looking at all of the evidence. Some of Tori's charges included: check fraud, identity theft, insurance fraud, assault, attempted murder, vehicle theft, reckless driving, assault with a deadly weapon, driving on a suspended license, expired registration, money laundering, embezzling, date-rape, so on and so forth.

"So, I figure we can open up- like you said- an animal hospital or something." Zayn says as he looking into Liam's eyes. "We can call it Ziam's Critter Crisis Center."

Liam smiles.

"That sound good? Now, and I can take care of the animals and you, you could count the money, you know, add up the figures?"

"Knock, knock." Liam says.

Zayn laughs, but nonetheless, he asks-

"Who's there?"


"Olive who?"

"I love you, Zayn Javvad Malik."

"Oh." Zayn says as his eyes instantly fill with tears. "That's so sweet."

"Knock, knock."

"Liam?" Zayn says rubbing his eyes.


"Could you do me a favor?"

Liam nods his head.

"Shut up and kiss me."

They lean in at the same time and they give each other a kiss that conveys every emotion.

As they pull away, Zayn puts two fingers in his mouth and whistles.

Murray and his mate come over towards them and both men run their hands down their fur.

"Liam?" Zayn says after a moment.


"I love you, too."

"I love you more."

They kiss again.

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