Liam's Morning

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Dedicated To LiamisanAngel sherlocktroll98 Luke_Hemmings_Girl12

It is a busy morning at the New York Harbor, with people loading up ships, transporting huge cargo, driving around freight cars, etc, etc. A man, operating a crane, is currently hoping that he doesn't drop the huge box.

"Come on. Come on." He says to himself as the box is moving from the ship to the steady ground.

"Whew. That was impressive." He says to himself. "Take it away, Bernie."

"Awesome." Bernie, the main dock worker responds.

Suddenly, they hear a loud roar.

"What the-"

Another load roar comes from inside the box.

"Bernie, what kind of shit is this? If that's what I think it is, we can't keep this here!" Jeff, another dock worker tells him.

"Don't worry about it." Bernie tells Jeff. "There's someone coming to pick it up."

Another loud roar emits from the box.

Nearly twenty minutes later, a bike messenger comes to the dock.

"Hi!" The messenger greets as he reaches the dock workers, getting off of his bike.

"Morning." They respond.

"You got a package for....." He pulls a clipboard from his bag. "Mr. Dan Bell?"

"Over there." Bernie says as he points to a large box that's next to the messenger.

The messenger turns and he looks at the box.

He hears growling.

As he lifts the tarp that is covering the box, the messenger is greeted with a roar.

The messenger gets back on his bike and he immediately takes off.

'Looks like I'll have to call Mr. Payne.' Bernie thinks to himself as he's moving to the other side of the dock.

"Come on! I am not an animal trainer! I am a successful lawyer trying to get some work done." Liam tells his friend. "What is the problem?"

"The problem, Liam, is that the messenger I sent to pick it up refused to pick it up."

"Bernie, it is just a cat. I just cannot see why the messenger could not put it in his satchel. Was it really that hard?" Liam asks, highly stressed out. "Does he not have a cat carrier or something?"

"I don't think you understand, Liam. When you say cat, I don't think you understand."

"No. You do not understand." Liam says as he puts his briefcase on his desk. "Do you know who that cat belongs to? That cat belongs to-"

"Yeah, yeah, Dan Bell." Bernie responds. "That generous, fun-loving man works with that pompous real estate guy."

"Look, Andrews is my career, okay Bernie? Tori Andrews equals the career of one Liam Payne, even if he is a piece of work. I need that cat-"

Suddenly, the phone on his desk rings.

"See, you just got in and he's already calling you. You should really take a break from things, Liam. You're too uptight and beyond overworked."

"Actually, that is my fiancée."

"Oh. Her." Bernie says disapprovingly.

"Watch it. That is my woman you are talking about."

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