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Zayn is driving through the busy streets of New York, obeying all the rules of the road.

'Thank God he's driving with care.' Liam thinks to himself.

A little while later, Zayn pulls up to Cartier's establishment, parking in the red zone.

"Fire hydrant, fire hydrant, fire hydrant." Liam says, pointing at the fire hydrant. "Excuse me, fire hydrant."

Zayn turn off the car and grabs Liam's arm.

"Listen, Brown Eyes, why can't we go to the bank first?" Zayn asks him as he's looking at Liam's watch.

"No, we did one of your things already." Liam responds tiredly.

Zayn sighs as he pulls the sun visor down and starts to fix up his mane.

"We murdered the pimp and the fat man. Now it's time to do one of my things."

Zayn looks....dumbfounded at Liam's choice of words when it comes to Tom and Billy's misfortune.

"What?" He asks as Zayn stops playing with his hair and looks at him.

"Is that what you're upset about?" Zayn asks in disbelief. "Brown Eyes, let me enlighten you something, okay? We did the world a fat fucking favor. I mean, those guys were scum. Hey, they weren't even scum. They aspired one day to be scum, but they're worthless."

"Nonetheless, nonetheless, nonetheless." Liam responds as Zayn resumes fixing his hair. "Double homicide was not on my agenda." He says turning away from Zayn.

"Look, I got a good idea." Zayn says as he is finished fixing up his hair. He turns to look at Liam "Why don't you just tell me the box number? And I'll go to the bank, and I'll meet you back here. It'll save time."

Liam turns in his seat and looks at Zayn.

"You go to the bank while I - Listen to me, you little tan, insane person." Liam says irritably. "I'm not letting you out of my sight."

Zayn literally yawns at Liam's words.

"I gave my word I would see you on that plane and until that glorious moment comes, you and I are stuck together like glue. Like Bobby and Whitney, Cory and Topanga, T.J. and Cyrus, Jude and Connor, Sonny and Cher, spick and span, yin and yang, peanut butter and jelly, Arm and Hammer, Jackson Avery and April Kepner, Olivia Pope and Fitz Gra-"

Zayn slaps Liam in the face.

Liam is in shock.

"The bank closes in a half an hour." Zayn says getting out of the car.

"Yeah." Liam says, following Zayn into the store, regaining his composure. "Yeah."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Payne." An overly gay salesman greets Liam happily.

"Afternoon." Liam greets.

"Hello." Zayn cheerfully says to the salesman.

The salesman throws Zayn a rude look, rolling his eyes, scoffing condescendingly.

"What a fucking rude, bitch." Zayn says.

Liam nudges him in the side.


"How's everyone, sir?" The salesman asks.

"Everyone? Fine, fine." Liam says as he and Zayn walk towards the jewelry display.

"Tomorrow's the big day, sir! Congratulations!" A saleswoman says as she spots Liam when she came out from the back of the store.

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