Tom And Billy

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Harry is currently walking down the street humming happily to himself as he is carrying a bag.

"Hmm." Louis hums as Harry reaches him.

"Hey, Lou." Harry greets. "What are they doing sitting there like that?" He asks as they watch Liam and Zayn sitting in the vandalized car outside of a haberdashery, cackling like a couple of wild loons.

"Why should that matter?" Louis asks. "All that matters is that we are getting paid extra for following Zayn around."

Harry chuckles.

"What's in the bag?" Louis asks him.

"Oh! I got a turkey burger with sweet potato French fries for myself and I got a Caesar salad with dressing on the side for you." He says proudly.

Louis simply stares at Harry, uninterested with this conversation.

"Liam, my Brown Eyes," Zayn starts. "Why oh why do they call these chicken McNuggets?" He asks as he pops another piece of chicken in his mouth. "These deserve a better name."

"I do not know, Zayn." Liam answers, wondering how this question came about. "I honestly think that it is one of life's greatest mysteries." He says, giving a homeless man some money.

"Hmm, I wonder if Murray likes them." Zayn says. "Here, Murray. Try this with sweet and sour sauce, my little feline." He says feeding the tiger some of his chicken.

A few minutes later, Zayn looks up.

"There he is!" Zayn exclaims as he spots two people walking down the opposite side of the street, passing Louis and Harry.

"One of them is huge. He looks like a house!" Liam says looking at the two men.

"Well, I've got something big too." Zayn says pulling something out of his blazer pocket.

It's a gun.

'Why couldn't it be Zayn's dick?' Liam wonders to himself.

"Let's get to it." Zayn says stepping out of the car.

He simply walks though traffic as the cars literally swerve to avoid hitting him.

"Someone's got a problem!" The homeless man shouts as one of the cars rear end another car as the driver was watching Zayn's strut.

Liam would be mad at Zayn for causing this accident, but he finds that he doesn't care about that.

'That strut was hot!' He thinks to himself before he follows Zayn.

"Turn around, walk down that street. Look back, and you're dead." Zayn tells the limo driver in a serious tone of voice.

"Yeah." The limo driver says.


The driver walks away from the limo and Zayn enters the limo, sitting on the driver's seat.

He lowers the partition as he points the gun to the back of the limo, all while moving to the passenger's side of the limo.

Two guys are about to pull out their own guns, but Zayn stops them.

"Don't even think about it." Zayn warns them.

"Zayn!" Tom greets, faking a smile.

"Long time, Tom." Zayn states. "Take them out with your fingertips and drop them on the floor, thank you."

Tom, the big guy, who had pulled out his gun simply drops his gun as Tom pulls out his gun from his coat pocket and drops his gun.

They put their hands up.

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