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Outside the mansion, Zayn has finally arrived with the evidence nervous about how Liam will take the news.

The cab driver pulls up to the gate.

"Thank you." He tells the cab driver before he steps out of the car.

Zayn runs towards the intercom. 

"Hello?" Zayn says. "Could you open up the gate, please?"

No response.

"Could you please open the gate? I've got something really important that I need to tell Liam." Zayn tries again. "Liam, are you there?"

Zayn punches the intercom.

'I need to get in, now.' He thinks to himself.

Zayn looks up, and sees a wall slightly taller than he is.

In that moment, he decides that he is going to climb over the wall.

"Please, let this work." He says as he takes off his jacket, throws the evidence over the wall and climbs over the wall.

Once he's over the brick wall, he grabs the evidence and makes his way through the compound, praying to Allah that Liam will believe him.

As Zayn is making his way through the compound, Tom and Billy arrive at the mansion with the bridesmaids still screaming their heads off from the sunroof.

As Billy turns off the engine, he and Tom hop out of the car.

The tied up bridesmaids hop out of the limo as well, still screaming.

"Hey, it's the bridesmaids." One of them yell as they reach the intercom. "We're here."

"It's Diane!"

"Open the gate! Open the gate!"

Suddenly, Harry and Louis pull up to the driveway.

"A Porsche!" One of the bridesmaids yell.

"Quick, open the gate." Diane says as Harry and Louis step out of the red Porshe.

"Open the gate!" One of the bridesmaids yell, and Harry simply flashes his badge as Louis is checking them out.

Both men make their way past the screaming bridesmaids and stupidly try to take down the gate, but they fail, which irritates Louis.

Once Zayn gets to the front door, he takes a deep breath and knocks on the door.

Walter, the butler, opens the door.

"Thank you, sir." Zayn tells the man.

Walter simply smiles and let Zayn in.

Zayn cautiously makes his way through the house, just looking around taking in the sight. As he was going to ask Walter how to access the wedding-

"Okay, Zayn." Tom says as he and Billy break down the door.

Zayn simply rolls his eyes.

'Aren't they tired of this game of cat and mouse?' He wonders to himself.

"Give us the stuff, Zayn." Tom demands, giving Zayn his best intimidating look.

"Is that your tough look, Tom?" Zayn asks as he tries not to laugh. "Is that the best you could do?" He asks in a toddler-like voice.

"Zaynie, Zaynie, now don't make us take it from you." Tom says through clenched teeth.

"No, Zayn, make us take it from you." Billy says with glee.

"What's over there?" Zayn asks. 

"What?" The other two ask as they turn away from him.

Zayn flees.

Unfortunately as Zayn is running, he trips on the un-leveled carpet, dropping the evidence and Billy catches him.

"Good." Tom says as Billy is turning Zayn around, Zayn punches Tom in the face causing Tom to fall.

Zayn blindly punches Billy, hitting him in the face, causing Billy to let go of him.

"Mine!" Zayn says as he jumps on Tom's back, fighting for the evidence.


"Perhaps Burt Bacharach is right." The reverend says. "Love, sweet love perhaps it really is the only thing there's just too little of."

A zoned out Liam forces a smile.


The cab filled with the police officers arrive at the mansion as Louis, Harry and the screaming bridesmaids are outside the mansion

"Hey, this is the Andrews place." The cab driver says as he gets out of his cab. "What's going on here?"

"We're trying to get in!" The bridesmaids yell as the policemen are acting crazy as they are looking at the bridesmaids.

"Oh, hang on, Wendy gave me the key." The cabbie says. "I had her in my cab once." He tells them giggling to himself.

Everyone looks at him.

As most of Billy's huge body is on top of Zayn's body, he grabs the envelope with the evidence from Zayn.

"Shit!" Zayn says irritably as Billy tosses the thick envelope at Billy.

"First time I ever seen this diva shut the fuck up." Tom says smiling at Zayn.

"Yeah, let's do it to her like we did to her boyfriend." Billy says wrapping his hands about Zayn's neck.

Tom pulls out a knife.

"It would be my pleasure, my brother." Tom says smiling at Zayn with a devilish smile.

Zayn looks up, maneuvers his arm a bit, and places two fingers in his mouth and whistles.

Murray roars.

"Yo, boss," Billy says in a panic as Zayn is laughing. "It's that cat again."

"Murray, baby!" Zayn says.

Murray roars even louder.

"Oh, shit." A scared Tom says. "Not again."

Murray's female partner comes out and roars as well, causing Tom to back away from Zayn.

Billy also moves away from Zayn, which causes Zayn to snatch the evidence back from Tom's hand.

The doorbell rings.

Walter opens the door.

"Police." Harry says showing the older man his badge. "Everyone's under.... Under arrest."

Zayn claps his hands, and gives Harry and Louis the envelope.

"So there." Zayn says.

As he is running up the stairs, he stops and looks at looks at Murray.

"Thanks, Murray!"

Murray roars softly at him before walking towards Tom and Billy.

"All right, drop them." Louis says as he and Harry approach Tom and Billy with their own guns.

"What?" Tom says.

Louis pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket.

"These are your rights."

"Hey." Billy says. but Louis reads them their rights.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?"

Both men remain silent as they are now handcuff.

Suddenly, the door opens and the bridesmaids are hopping in the house almost distracting Harry and Louis, while Jeff, the UPS driver, carelessly drives into all the cars causing Amelia's car to literally fall apart.

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