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"So where do you want to start?" Liam asked as they were now wandering around a packed mall, looking for a place to begin shopping.

"Umm, how about there?" Zayn said, pointing out a store that had a large display of plaid flannels, skinny jeans, shoes and a ton of male clothing in the front window.

"To the shop we go." Liam says and Zayn squeals.

After what felt like an eternity, they were in and out of the shop in just under 10 minutes. Zayn had left the store, wearing brand new attire, while another set of brand new clothes, a pair of new shoes, and the clothes that he had entered the mall in, are in a big shopping bag.

"Record store! Let's go there!" Zayn says as he grabs Liam's hand, guiding them to the store.

Liam's body tingles.

Liam is currently leaning on a counter, arms crossed, raking his eyes up and down Zayn's body.

"Ahh." Zayn says to himself as he puts his shopping bag down and grabs a Michael Jackson vinyl off of the shelf. "I fucking love Bad. No one can beat Smooth Criminal or The Way You Make Me Feel. This was a fucking good classic."

'Acid-washed ripped jeans, high top Chucks, a dark gray Mickey Mouse shirt and a black blazer? He actually has taste. But what is with the key on his ear ring?' Liam thinks to himself as he is unconsciously checking Zayn out. 'I mean, it is hot, but why does he have the key on his ear ring instead of his key chain?'

"What?" Zayn asks as he notices Liam staring at him. "Do I have a boogie in my nose?"

"Huh?" Liam asks.

"You're staring at me." Zayn states, giving him a quizzical look.

"Oh! I am sorry about that. Um, I think that it is time to go." Liam tells him. "It is getting late."

Zayn shuffles down the aisle as Liam looks around.

"They have Kelly Clarkson's Piece By Piece album!" Zayn exclaims as he pulls the Kelly Clarkson vinyl off the shelf. "I heard that this album was hot!"

Liam looks at Zayn.

"What?" Zayn asks him. "Don't you listen to Kelly Clarkson? She's the best Idol winner ever! Besides, it has four bonus tracks, see?!"

Liam only shakes his head as Zayn's attention reverts back to the vinyl.

'Man, this poor man has been locked up for way too long.' Liam thinks to himself as he looks at Zayn's attire more closely. 'Wait a minute!'

"Hey, the clerk forgot to take the sensor off of the blazer." Liam tells Zayn.

"Oh well." Zayn says nonchalantly as he moves further down the aisle with the two vinyls and his bag.

Liam's watch goes off.

"Well, time is up. It is time for us to go." Liam tells him.

Zayn sighs.

"Come on." Liam says as Zayn walks away from him.

As Zayn gets down the aisle, a creepy looking man with black hair and gray eyes looks at him.

"Hey, hot stuff." The guy tells him.

Zayn ignores him and moves to another aisle.

"Come on, Zayn! I am really worried about the cat." Liam says. "You know, the Patagonia Felis Concolor, named Murray?"

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