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Liam drives back to his apartment, showers again, and changes into another brand new tuxedo before he drives over his boss' mansion.

'Why did we talk about last night?' Liam wondered to himself as he is driving down the road. 'I hope I didn't force him into anything. Did it mean something to him? Is he in pain? Did he enjoy it as much as I enjoyed it? He just looked so Zayn actually made me feel....alive! I haven't felt that in such a long time, and now that he's leaving, I feel so...empty.'

Liam sighs heavily.

'Why didn't I go with him?'

'Why did I let him go?'

'Will Zayn remember me?'

'Is he ever going to contact me?'

'Think of me?'

'Have dirty thoughts about me at all?'

After a good 45 minutes of driving, he pulls up to the gates of the overly huge mansion.

"Showtime." He says to himself as he hears the sounds of violins playing all while the exhaust pipe sputters.

The gates open and he drives in.

He drives all the way up to the front doors of the house, and Morgan is in shock.

"Oh, my Lord!" Morgan exclaims in total shock as Liam turns off the engine and steps out of the car.

"What?" A distracted Liam asks Morgan.

"Oh, my car!" She exclaims. "Look at my car!"

"What's the problem?" He asks her without a care in the world.

"Oh, look, it's a wreck!" She exclaims in shock.

She isn't materialistic or anything, but damn! Her car is beyond a hot mess, and Liam doesn't give a damn. He just wants Zayn.

"Oh, baby."

"Sorry, I don't see it." Liam says nonchalantly. "What do you see? A nick?"

"A nick?" Morgan asks him as she is looking at her totaled car. "A nick, no. How can you not see it? It's everywhere."

"Oh." Tori says appearing out of nowhere.

He stands next to Liam.

"You decided to join us."

Liam only responds by giving him a tight smile and a weak nod.

"Rogers, I won't be needing that shotgun after all!" He says, yelling towards the front door. Tori starts to laugh, then places an arm around Liam's shoulders. "So, any problem with Operation Prisoner Shuttle?"

"Clockwork." Liam answers deadpans before he walks away from his boss, who pats his shoulder.

He walks up to the door, and the door automatically opens.

"Hello, Walter." Liam greets the butler.

"Mr. Payne." Walter greets in return.

Liam walks to the living room.

"There you are." Amelia says, causing Liam to look around.

She's on the second floor wearing her wedding dress as three people are fixing her veil.

"Oh." Liam says as he simply looks at her playing with some cards in her hand.

"Where have you been?" She demands.

"I'm sorry, Amy." Liam says, not really sorry. "I was delayed doing an errand for your father."

"I tried calling you all last night." Amelia says handing one of the people who's fixing her veil the cards.

"Oh." Liam says, feigning shock. "I was at my..... bachelor party. You know, my last big hurrah."

"Yes." Amelia says, smiling at nothing at all, looking away from Liam. "Damn right it was."

Liam only stares at her.

"Where are the bridesmaids?" She asks him. "Have you seen them?"

"Um-" A confused Liam starts as someone hands him a card.

"Oh, there are the words I had printed up for the ceremony." Amelia tells him.

He looks at the card, and gives it a strange look.

''What the world needs now is love?" He read from the card in a tone of voice that literally can be heard as 'The fuck is this?'

"No, no. That's what I say." Amelia says. "You say this: ''It's the only thing that there's just too little of.''

Liam stares at her as if she's crazy.

Liam stares at her crazy ass.

"Oh, stop." Amelia says as she shoos the people who are fixing her veil.

The scurry off.

Liam turns and looks at one of the men who is fixing his bow-tie with a quizzical look.

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