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The next morning, both men cleaned up themselves for the new day and make their way to the bank.

'This is it.' Liam thinks to himself as they are now at the bank.

The security guard greets them as they enter the bank.

"This'll only take a couple of seconds." Zayn says as they are making their way through the bank. "Then we're going straight to the District Attorney's office with all the evidence. You know and I wanna get a copy of everything, get to the newspapers." He says as he pulls out a cigarette from the case from Cartier. "Can't you see the headlines, Brown Eyes?"

A solemn Liam doesn't respond.

"Innocent, beautiful man nabs mystery murderer." Zayn supplies. "How's that sound?" He asks Liam, who chuckles at Zayn.

"Your box number?" One of the bankers as Zayn as they get to the service desk.

Zayn turns to look at Liam.

"The box number is 6-1-1-1." Liam tells the banker.

"Thanks, Brown Eyes." Zayn smiles.

"Sign here please." The banker tells Zayn.

Zayn hums to himself as he signs the document that was given to him.

"Perfect." The banker says, as he buzzes in Zayn and Liam.

"Do you think this is gonna be on the 6:00 news?" Zayn asks Liam. "I mean, I haven't been on television before."

Liam remains quiet as Zayn keeps on speaking.

"Hey, do you think you're ready to hang out with a celebrity? I wonder if my family's gonna see it in California. I've got this.... my three sisters, my Baba, and I got cousins, though, you know, I have a lot of relatives." Zayn says.

The guard inserts his key into the slot.

Liam smiles at Zayn's optimism as he watches Zayn take off his earring and insert the key in the other slot.

"But, you know, it would be really great if the relatives that I have could see it, it'd be good." Zayn says turning the key.

The box opens.

The guard takes out a black box and hands it over to Zayn.

"Thank you, sir."

"No, problem. Thank you for doing business with us."

Zayn smiles and he looks at a melancholy Liam.

They walk to a private room, all while Zayn is holding on the the black box with his dear life.

"Then we gotta get out of this town, find some sun. I think we both could use it." Zayn says as he finally looks at Liam. "You know, look at me, almost four years in the can and pale as a ghost. Can I tell you something?" He says handing Liam his cigarette.

"Yeah." Liam says absently as he takes the cigarette and puts it out.

"You look like you could use a little fun in the sun yourself, you know." Zayn tells Liam as his attention is now on the box.

Liam slightly smiles at Zayn.

"You smoke so many cigarettes." Liam states in a soft voice as Zayn is opening the black box.

"I don't know what else to do with them." Zayn counters taking out a thick yellow envelope.

He finally looks is Liam, who is currently swaying back and forth on his heels.

"What's wrong, Brown Eyes?" Zayn asks.

"I'm marrying Amelia Andrews in two hours, as scheduled." Liam says as he finally looks up at Zayn. "As scheduled."

Zayn simply looks at Liam with a sad smile.

"Aren't you gonna open that?"

"No, it doesn't matter." Zayn says, shrugging at the slightly taller man.

Liam looks away from Zayn, blinking rapidly as if he were about to cry.

He regains his composure and looks at Zayn.

"Zayn, you really didn't think that I was gonna - I mean-"

"I didn't think anything." Zayn honestly states.

"See." Louis says as he takes the lollipop out of his mouth. "Told you if we staked out the airport, we'd find him."

Harry turns and looks at his partner.

"Oh, is that what you're going to tell the Captain? Huh? That it was all your idea?" Harry asks.

"Well, it was." Louis tells him.

"Was not." Harry challenged.

"Was, too."

"Was not."

"Was, too."

"Was not."

"Was, too!" Louis snaps rolling his neck.

"Was not." Harry says, mimicking Louis' neck roll.

"Was, too." Louis says getting all up in Harry's face.

"Oh, man, that's it." Harry says turning away from Louis, putting on his sunglasses. "When this thing's over, I'm applying for a transfer."

"Fine, I'll type it up for you." Louis says putting the lollipop back in his mouth.

"Oh, my God!" The bridesmaids scream from the limo, irritating Tom and Billy who are currently watching Zayn and Liam as well. "Oh, my God!"

"You don't have to wait." Zayn says, fixing his sunglasses as he Liam is holding Zayn's shopping bag from yesterday.

"No, I just want to make sure you get on." Liam says trying to smile.

Zayn smiles a bit.

"So make sure you contact your parole officer, and register with the employment people. Maybe you can get a job at an animal hospital or something 'cause you seem to really have a way with wild-"

Zayn takes off his sunglasses, and looks at Zayn.

"-animals." Liam finished.

They starea at each other for a moment.

"Flight 522 will be leaving shortly." The voice over the intercom states.

Liam's watch goes off.

"It's your life calling." Zayn says.

"Yeah." Liam sighs. "Yeah, I gotta go."

"See you, Payne." Zayn says. "Don't forget to wear your seat belt."

Liam nods.

Zayn pecks his cheek and enters the airport.

Liam smiles.

He watches as Zayn gets mixed within the crowd before he leaves, breaking down in the damaged convertible.

"There he goes." Tom says. "Let's move!"

Billy starts the limo and moves to park the limo in the parking lot.

"Let's shut those girls up!" Tom says.

"Let's move." Louis says.

Billy starts driving.

And so does Harry.

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