Can't Stop

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As Zayn is happily driving down the semi-busy street, he unbuttons his blazer only for Liam to find out that he has stolen some CDs from the music store they were in just a few minutes ago.

"Oh my God! You robbed that store!" Liam exclaims. "And where are we going?!"

"Bitch, please! I didn't steal anything. I didn't rob a bank or a store, sticking up the cashier, demanding that they give me their money." Zayn says as he removes his eyes from the road. "All I did was boosted a few CDs, nothing special there because there's a bit of a difference."

Liam looks at him in disbelief.

"Alright. I did not want to do this," Liam says as Zayn is too busy taking the plastic of the CD with both of his hands, neglecting to look at the road. He puts his hand on Zayn's shoulder, looking sternly at Zayn. "Citizen's arrest."

Zayn looks up from his lap and turns to look at Liam.

"Ha!" Zayn chuckles. "Citizen's arrest? That is too cute, Brown Eyes."

Liam's insides melt at Zayn's comment.

"Citizen's arrest." Zayn chuckles as his attention reverts to the CD in his lap.

'What is happening?' Liam asks himself as he removes his hand from Zayn's shoulder.

"Here we go!" Zayn says as the plastic comes off of the CD jacket. He takes the disc out of the case and pops the CD in the player.

"OH MY GOD!" Liam exclaims as Zayn in coming up on a train track with it's arms lowering.

"We'll make it!" Zayn reassures him with a huge smile on his face.

"I do not want to die! I will accept anything else where I will not die!"

The tiger growls from the back of the car.

Suddenly, the train is going through the intersection and Zayn plows through the arms. He takes a sharp turn and starts driving next to the train.

"DETOUR!" Zayn shouts happily as he is looking at Liam.

Liam's eyes are wide open in shock.

"Freight train! Freight train!" He yells at Zayn as he is pointing at the train.

Zayn pays him no mind as he continues to drive next to the train, singing Mariah Carey's song It's Like That.

'God, he has such a nice voice. I wonder if he would sing We Belong Together.' Liam wonders, momentarily forgetting to panic. He starts picturing Zayn leaving his significant other at the alter, running away from everyone as he and Zayn run hand in hand to Liams car. He might want that wedding with Zayn at this point, just to hear him sing everyday.

"Get away from this train, you loon!" The conductor yells from his window.

Zayn simply ignores him as he sings the next part of the song loudly.

♪'Cause it's my night
No stress, no fights,
I'm leavin' it all behind
No tears, no time to cry
Just making the most of life♪

Liam's inside are still melting as Zayn continues to drive recklessly next to the freight train.

Elsewhere, Harry and Louis have finally reached the broken arms with the train still going through the intersection.

"Damn It!" Louis yells as half is body is sticking out of the window, while Harry puts the car in reverse.

"Shit!" Harry yells driving down the street. He has to find another way to catch up to Zayn and Liam.

"Just making the most of life!" Zayn sings out loud, flooring the car as Liam is screaming his head off.

"Zayn, stop this!"

Zayn then cuts in front of the train and drives over the track, with the train narrowly missing them.

"AHH!" Liam yells.

Unfortunately for them, when Zayn cut the train, he drove unto a busy street, almost causing a big accident, a policeman on his motorcycle is right there witnessing everything.

"Gotcha." The policeman says to himself as he witnesses Zayn hitting a street sign that gets caught in the bumper.

The policeman blares his sirens and starts chasing down Zayn and Liam as Zayn is singing happily to himself.

♪It's like da da da da, I like that y'all
(That y'all)
This is my night
Let's go now
Let's go now
Here we go now
Here we go now

Liam screams as Zayn makes another sharp turn into a residential neighborhood with the street sign caught on the bumper of the car falling off.

"This is the police. Pull over." The policeman says.

Zayn then comes to a stop at the end of the street the same time the songs finishes.

He turns off the car and turns to look at Liam.

"Now look what you've done." Zayn deadpans to him with an annoyed look. "Goddamn it, Brown Eyes!"

Liam simply looks at him as he unbuckled his seat belt.

He steps falls out of the vehicle.

Zayn actually looks worried for Liam as Liam has to support himself by leaning on the vehicle.

"Alright, get out of the car and put your hands up, immediately!" The policeman says as he points the gun at Zayn.

"Oh, officer! Thank God you found us! See, my husband is having a heart attack and I was taking him to the hospital, but he was trying to be in control and everything went haywire. I still want to take him to the hospital, so is this the way?" Zayn asks the officer as he points forward.

The officer looks to where Zayn was pointing at. Zayn is currently pointing to the dead end sign that is standing in front of the concrete wall.

The officer looks at the wall, sporting a 'You've got to be kidding me look.'

Zayn smirks at the officer's expression.

"Let me see your license and registration." The officer says as he keeps the gun in Zayn's face.

"See, I don't have a license officer." Zayn says as he puts his left arm on the open window of the convertible.

"Right." The officer says, not believing a word out of Zayn's mouth.

"I was only driving because it was an emergency." Zayn says as he puts his finger on the opening of the barrel on the gun. "I just- look at him!" Zayn finishes desperately.

The officer turns to look at Liam, who's now crawling on his knees, using the front of the car as his support system.

The officer then points the gun in Liam's face.

Then back at Zayn, who couldn't be bothered by anything at this point.

Then back at Liam.

Liam takes a step, reaching out to the officer.

The officer shakes as Liam uses the officer's jacket to stand up and face him.

"Help me." Liam croaks.

Zayn snickers to himself as the tiger purrs.

QOTC: Would You Get In A Car With Zayn?

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