Mr. Bell

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Liam knocks on the door.

"Hello, Mr. Bell." He greets as soon as the door opens.

It's an older man.

"There he is!" Mr. Bell exclaims happily. "Come on in, my dear boy. Come on in, we've been waiting for you!" He says shaking Liam's hand.

Liam enters the 3rd floor penthouse.

"You've not been up here before, have you?" Mr. Bell asks him.

"Is this rent control or what?" Liam asks in awe.

"Actually, I own the block."

Mr. Bell chuckles at Liam's shocked expression.

"Excuse the mess. I recently lost Elwood, my housekeeper." Mr. Bell says as Liam is looking for the mess in the clean apartment.

"He quit?"

"No, no, no, I lost him." Mr. Bell says as he is turning in his spot, looking for his housekeeper. "I think he's in the west wing somewhere. Sometimes at night, I think I hear him crying. It's most distressing." He says shaking his head in confusion. "Anyway, I meant to have you up here sooner, but as you know, I travel a lot, searching the sphere for the endangered animals that need my help such as the Patagonian Felis Concolor I sent you for."

"Mr. Bell." Liam starts. "I have some horrible, horrible news."


"l... We'd better sit down."

Both men sit on the couch.

"I picked up the cat." Liam tells him. "I did, as I promised I would. But something happened. A man happened, actually. I was supposed to drive him to the bus station. Well-"

Suddenly, Murray comes out of one of the rooms and puts his head on Liam's lap.

"Murray? He's here?" He asks in confusion.

"Well, of course he's here." Mr. Bell says, slightly chuckling. "He's been here all night. Your fiancé brought him."

"My fiancé?" A still confused Liam asks.

"Hello, Counselor." Zayn says popping out from another room.

Liam turns around.

'DAMN!' He thinks to himself as he stands up from his seat on the couch.

Even Mr. Bell stands up from his seat.

Zayn definitely made an entrance.

Liam is stunned as Zayn is dressed to the nines, holding a bottle of champagne, standing at the top of the stairs.

"How....Whe- How...?"

"I told you, Brown Eyes, I have my methods." Zayn says winking at him while he walks down the stairs.

Liam is still in shock.

"You're shivering, Leeyum. Want a drink of something?" Zayn asks him as he is walking towards Liam. "Looks like you could use a little warming up."

Liam simply smiles at Zayn, trying not to pass out.

"What a magnificent city." Mr. Bell says as Zayn makes his way to a shelf and grabs a couple of glass flutes, all while Liam is salivating like crazy. It's safe to say that he needs a towel because Zayn is definitely driving him nuts. "A city of infinite possibilities, especially in the rain. They say that no two drops of rain are identical." Mr. Bell finishes as he and Liam sit back down on the couch.

"Actually, sir, I believe that's no two snow flakes that are-" Liam starts, but Mr. Bell beats him to it.

"Actually, I believe it's neither." Mr. Bell says as Zayn hands him a glass.

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