Bend Over

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"Is he in good hands?!" Zayn asks the nurses and doctors as Liam is currently on the gurney getting rushed into an exam room. "I- Please help him! He's so young! I can't live without my sexy Brown Eyes."

"Who are you to him?" A middle-aged nurse asks him as Liam is flailing around on the gurney.

"His husband!" Zayn says.

"You poor thing!" She exclaims. "Well, we're going to need some information. What is his name?"

"Liam." Zayn supplies as he is holding Liam's head down on the gurney.

"Ok, Tony." The nurse says, writing down this false information.

"You'll be safe, Li-bear." Zayn says.

"Last name?"

"Bendover." Zayn finishes, trying not to laugh out loud at the terrible name he supplied.

"Bendover." The nurse says writing this down on her clipboard.

Liam is trying to sit up, however Zayn pushes him back down.

"Mr. Bendover, did you notice anything strange about your husband? Any questionable actions or erratic behavior?"

"He hasn't been exactly generous in bed lately, if you know what I mean, hot stuff." Zayn tells the nurse, who in turn blushes. "He's always cranky, forgetting thing, repeating things, always out of breath when he's done pleasuring himself without little ol' me at-"

Liam grabs Zayn by the neck of his shirt, pissed off at the lame excuse Zayn gave the nurse.

He's growling, narrowing his eyes at Zayn, trying to choke the living daylights out of this wild man.

"Help!" Zayn yells as he feels as though his neck is about to break by the violent motion that is happening to him. "Can't you give him something? I can't live life without him."

The nurse takes out a needle and a syringe.

"You'll be alright, my sexy Brown Eyes!" Zayn says, feigning his worrisome over Liam.

The nurse injects Liam with the drug that effectively knocks him out as he is still flailing around like a mad man on the gurney.

"We'll take good care of your husband, sir."

"Thank you." Zayn says as they wheel Liam into the exam room.

Liam violently turns in the hospital bed with his eyes shut tight. Suddenly, he abruptly wakes up from his slumber.

"How are you feeling, Mr. Bendover?" A perky nurse asks him.

"Could you please get out of my face? You are too close for comfort and too loud." Liam groggily tells the nurse with hospital drugs running through his body.

"Sorry." The nurse says taking a step back. You're just so..... you're handsome."

"Thanks." Liam says. "Where is my wallet? And where are my clothes?"

"Oh, don't worry about that." She says waving him off. "Your sexy husband took everything home. He said that he will be back with your pajamas and an extra change of clothing."

"What?!" Liam exclaims.

"I wouldn't worry about it, Mr. Bendover. He has impeccable taste in clothing. If you two weren't married, I would've snatched him up because he's charming, funny and quite the looker if you ask me. He also had a nice car."

"Hus- What- Oh my- He took the car?!" Liam exclaims, not realizing that he hasn't corrected her about not being married to Zayn.

"Yes! Oh it's a nice car. You two have exquisite taste. He took me and a few of us on a joy ride while you were out cold." She says happily.

"Oh no, no, no. Hell no!" Liam panics as he is shaking his head in horror.

"Oh yes, yes, yes." She says as is writing something on his chart.

"But Zayn- Oh my God. He has the cat! The cat is-"

"That beautiful cat." She exclaims dreamily.

"HARLEM! I have to get out of here!" Liam exclaims as he is tries to get out of the bed.

"Mr. Bendover, you really have to stay over night for observation." She advises as he falls out of bed. "Besides, we have to run more tests."

Liam stands up on his two feet with the help of the nurse.

"My name is not Mr. Bendover. I am perfectly, perfectly, fine. I am a lawyer. A lawyer!" He says as he is walking towards the door. "I am going to Harlem!"

He tries to open the door, but he can't open it.

"Come on! Open up!" Liam says as he is fighting with the door, literally hanging from the handle. "What is wrong with this door?"

"Mr. Bendover, you just push the door." The nurse tells him as he is pulling on the bar. "You just have to push. See?"

She pushes the door, and it springs open.

"Whoops." He exclaims as the workers and the patients see him hanging from the door handle.

He falls down once he lets go of the handle, promptly bending over.

The nurses all fawn over his ass as his underwear slips a bit, revealing his naked ass cheeks.

"Sorry about that." He tells the patrons as he runs towards the entrance of the hospital.

After a good five or so minutes running through the hospital like an idiot on his bare feet, Liam has finally exited the hospital and is standing at the double doors.

"Taxi! Taxi! Taxi!" Liam exclaims wildly, failing to realize that he is literally standing in front of a taxi. "Taxi! Taxi! Taxi!"

The baffled taxi driver simply looks up from his newspaper as Liam is frantically hailing for a taxi.

"Tax-" Liam looks straight in front of him, finally spotting the taxi after three whole minutes.

"This is a taxi zone, sir." The cab driver tells him.

Liam looks down and as it turns out, he is indeed standing at the taxi zone.

The taxi driver shakes his head in confusion and in sympathy.

Liam enters the taxi.

"Where to?" The driver asks him.

"335 East 111th Street!" Liam says. "Step on it!"

"Sure thing." The cab driver says nonchalantly as he turns starts the car.

Liam sighs heavily due to the fact that he has been poked and prodded by so many doctors.

"You know," The cab driver says as he pulls away from the curb. "I'm not supposed to pick up anybody without their clothes on."

Liam simply does a complete 360 in his hospital gown from the back seat, while sporting a white t-shirt and a pair of blue boxers underneath.

"And it's a damn good policy." The cab driver says as Liam sits still in the back.

Liam sighs as he starts hitting the seats in anger, arms filled with unnecessary drugs flowing though his veins.

QOTC: Y'all Agree With Zayn Lying About Liam's Situation? About Being Married? Do You Think That Liam Survive In Harlem, LOL?

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