Framing Zayn

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"They will put us in separate cells, will they?" Liam off-handedly asks as they are on a dimly lit floor in an apartment building.

Zayn lights his lighter and lifts the lighter to the fire sprinkler.

"I mean, we will not be rooming together?"

"Relax, Counselor." Zayn says rolling his eyes. "Nobody's going to prison."

"All right, let's see here." Liam says pulling his planner out. "Lunch, that's off." He says crossing it off of his agenda. "Gotta find Murray, that's number one."

"Wow, you print everything?" Zayn asks, looking at Liam's little book. "Hey, you never go below the line. I'm very impressed." He honestly tells Liam.

"Well that is good." Liam says sarcastically, looking at Zayn as Zayn is trying to fix his own wild mane. "Because impressing you is what I live for."

"You should." Zayn says playing with his mane. "It doesn't take that much for a handsome man like you to impress me at all."

Liam's insides melt.

"All right." He says, brushing off Zayn's comment. "Tux, got that-" He says looking down at his body. "Well, sort of." He says crossing off Tux on his agenda. "Okay, gotta go to Cartier, pick up the ring. Ring."

"A ring, huh?" Zayn asks, genuinely curious at the statement.

"Yeah, wedding ring." Liam specifies. "I'm getting married tomorrow." He says proudly. 'There I go again. I said I'm instead of I am.'

"Oh, that's great! So, what's her name?" Zayn asks.

"Amelia." He answers Zayn absently.

"Ah, Amelia. That's a nice name." Zayn tells him as he's looking at the fire sprinkler, wondering why it hasn't gone off yet. "I'd like to meet her soon, my sexy little Brown Eyes."

"Well, I hate to break this to you, Zayn, but you two really... do not have much in common, you see, she being a mere human person, while you are a crazy force of nature."

As Zayn was about to make a remark, the fire sprinkler finally goes off.

"Oh, God!" Liam yells as he closes his little book.

The whole floor is in chaos as everyone is running from their apartments.

"Finally! Let's go." Zayn says as they blend in with the crowd, grabbing Liam's hand.

Liam's insides melt again.

'This guy will be the death of me.' Liam thinks to himself.

As soon as everyone is outside, Zayn and Liam stay behind at the stoop as fire trucks are barreling down the street.

Zayn looks at the chaotic street and decides to look over the fence.

He sees Harry and Louis out on the street looking around, standing by the convertible.

"Two guys are following me out there." Zayn says as he stops looking over the fence. "I think they're crazy."

"They must be." Liam agrees as they sit in a huge bin.

"Yeah." Zayn tells Liam looking around the bin. "You know, in high school, we used to hang out in these things all the time. Sneaking cigarettes, talking about boys, making big plans." He says with his voice filled with nostalgia as he stands next to Liam, who's sitting at the bottom step rocking from side to side feeling uncomfortable.

"Is that when you started murdering people or what?" Liam asks sarcastically.

"Hey, maybe I'm a thief who steals little things on occasion, and I'll admit that. But murdering someone? I never killed anybody! Never!" Zayn snaps with his voice full of anger and resentment.

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