Going To The Wedding

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Liam is currently standing at the alter, forcing himself to smile as he is watching as Tori and his daughter are walking down the aisle.

"Liam is going to be the best parent ever!" Amelia exclaims.

"They are going to be the best parents ever!" Someone corrects her.

"Whatever." Amelia says.

They are talking their sweet time walking down the aisle that Liam simply rolls his eyes at the father/daughter duo.

"I'm just so tired of the bar scene." A policeman says to his coworkers/friends as they are on their motorcycles, sitting under a tree.

"Yeah, I even tried a dating service." Another says. "But it was just a waste of time."

The other four chuckle.

"So, how are we supposed to meet girls?" The third one says.

Suddenly the taxi that Zayn is in is flying past all of the policemen.

As they get themselves ready, Tom and Billy are chasing down the taxi with the five bridesmaids are screaming their head out from the sunroof.

And so are Louis and Harry are speeding after them as well.

The police start chasing them.

''What the world needs now is love, sweet love.'' Amelia recites from the cards that she had just for this moment.

''No, not just for some, but for everyone.'' Liam recites in a bored tone.

The police are flying down the highway chasing after the three vehicles, hoping to nab them for speeding, Jeff, the UPS driver, carelessly makes a left turn into the highway, causing the five policemen to fall off of their motorcycles.

"You all right?" The first policeman asks them as they are all trying to get up from the ground.

They all grumble.

One of the officers try to pick up his motorcycle but it ends up falling and some of the pieces fall off.

"Damn it, damn it."

The first police man runs into one of the lanes and raises his hand.

"Hey, taxi! Taxi!"

The taxi stops.

"Come on, let's go." The cop says as they all squeeze themselves into the small taxi.

Once they are in the taxi, the taxi driver takes off.

"Liam, Amelia." The pastor says. "We've all heard the saying: ''They're made for each other.''

Liam rolls his eyes as the photographer takes a picture of the couple.

"Well, whoever coined that phrase might have had these two fine, young people in mind." The pastor finishes.

Liam simply nods at the pastor, totally bored just waiting to object.

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