Co-Op Interview

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Three old-aged people are at a desk in a fancy condo, sitting across Liam.

They are all bored and the room is dead silent.

One of the two men who are across from Liam is nodding and the other simply looks at his watch.

Liam looks at the door.

The old woman simply glares at Liam.

"I'm sure she's gonna be here." He reassured the three old people after a good minute or two.

"Mr. Payne, we are, of course, very particular about who we allow into our St. Andrews cooperative. Punctuality, I have found is a very good indicator of character." The woman tells him as the guy who's nodding stirs a bit.

"Absolutely, it's so amazing that you would say that because my soulmate is known for good punctuality. We both are, it's like a.... It's a joke among our friends." Liam states, fidgeting nervously.

"If your fiancée isn't interested in the apartment..." The woman tells him. "I'm sure we can find someone who is."

The sleepy guy starts to snore.

"I'll just check out...." Liam says standing up from his seat. "I'm just gonna check outside 'cause I'm sure my fiancée looking for a place to park right now." Liam tells the other three as he is backing out of the room. "So, just chat among yourselves and I'll be right back."

He turns around and leaves the room as the old woman and the alert old man watch him leave the room as the other one snores.

As soon as he is at a safe enough distance, he runs all the way outside, tripping and falling over his own feet.

"Okay." He says standing back up, looking across the street to where the car is parked.

He spots Zayn running his comb through Murray's fur.

"God." He says as he is simply standing up, looking at Zayn.

"Zayn." He calls out cautiously as he is crossing the street.

Zayn turns and glares at him.


"What?" He asks in a hard voice that unexpectedly turns Liam on.

Liam sighs.

Back in the room, the three older people are bored out of their minds, just waiting on Liam and his fiancé.

"Found my fiancé, found fiancé." Liam says as he enters the room. "No problem, no problem. My fiancé was at the Children's Hospital because they just opened the Andrews wing."

"Hello. Hi, there. Sorry I'm late." Zayn says rushing into the room with a cleaner look and the earring in his pocket. "Just over-committed myself. You understand, huh?"

"No problem at all. Please take a seat."

Liam pulls out Zayn's seat, and Zayn sits down.

"Thanks, Liam." Zayn says.

"Mister Malik, your application is very impressive. Your background, the private schools..." The woman says.

"Well, you gotta see me spend money to really appreciate me." Zayn jokes winking at the man who's awake.

Liam notices that the old man shivers in a good way.

The old woman too.

His blood boils with jealousy and he grabs Zayn's hand.

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