So I entered this story in the Wattys. And I don't think I'll win but at least I tried, right? But keep voting and keep doing what you're doing. Your comments make me so happy. And they're the only thing making me happy right now. This story and all of you make my day. Waking up to see a comment like 'Update please' and 'I love this story' makes my day start off happy. With that being said, I want you guys to get to know me and I want to get to know you guys. So ask me some questions and I'll answer them and I'll ask you a question and you comment your answer. So my question for you is this:
Whatare your favorite ships/OTPS?
Snowbarry, obviously. Otherwise you wouldn't be reading my book lol.
Anyway, here's my picture for this chapter and it makes me mad because they look so happy and in the show, Caitlin and Barry don't even have anymore moments with each other.
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"Would either of you like to explain?"
Barry and Caitlin were sitting in the Dean's office, once again, droplets of water falling to the white carpet. The Dean recognized them from before, and sighed heavily when they entered his office.
"He took my textbook."
"I wanted to talk to you, but you wouldn't stop studying."
"But you didn't have to run out with my book."
The Dean sighed once more as she witnessed their bickering. "I'll let you two off with a warning. But you both really need to stop bickering with each other if you're going to be roommates. I don't want you both to keep coming into my office the whole semester. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"You're dismissed."
Barry and Caitlin went back to their dorm, and Caitlin headed to the bathroom. But before she could open the door, Barry grabbed her wrist and pinned against the door. Her arms were up against the door as his hands were intertwined with hers. His body pressed against hers gently, his green eyes boring into her brown ones.
"You're getting me into a lot of trouble, Snowball."
"Don't call me that. And you're the reason we get into trouble."
"You know you love it, Snowball."
Caitlin gulped as he kept gazing into her eyes. She felt her heart pounding as Barry never released his grip on her. Barry slowly pressed a little bit more harder, their noses almost touching.
'Summer lovin' had me a blast'
Barry pulled his hands from hers, and his body left hers. Caitlin watched as he pulled out his phone and stepped out into the hall. Caitlin's cheeks heated up, her body not moving away from the door. She could still feel Barry's body pressing up against hers and his hands in hers. She finally went into the bathroom and changed into warm, dry clothes.