Hey guys. This is my first Snowbarry AU and I hope you guys like it. I got this idea off of a Snowbarry gif I found on Google so credit to whoever made the gif.
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Barry Allen was ready.
He just graduated from high school and was now off to Central City University to get his degree in forensics. His parents were proud of him, their only son off to college and becoming an adult.
"You're all grown up." His mother has said. "My beautiful boy is now a handsome man."
Barry was really close with his parents. He loved them a lot, which is why it was so hard to leave them. They had sacrificed so much for him, and now he's leaving.
"Barry," Nora cupped her son's face, "don't worry about us. We'll be here as long as you need us to be. We love you, Barry."
"I love you guys, too."
Barry embraced his mother tightly, before turning to his father.
"You'll do great, slugger. I know you will."
Barry smiled. "Thanks, dad."
After many tears and goodbyes, Nora and Henry Allen watched as their son drove off to college, off to start a life of his own.
Many songs and horrible singing later, Barry finally arrived at the university. He parked his car and got his stuff and made his way across campus. He looked at a map he found in a brochure but didn't notice the young woman headed his way. They collided and all their stuff fumbled to the ground. A paper she was holding made its way over to the fountain and landed on the surface of the water, the paper completely wet.
"Look what you made me do! That was my class schedule, you dolt."
Barry furrowed his eyebrows at her. "Excuse me? Who are you calling a dolt, you...you-"
"You don't have a comeback, do you?"
Barry scoffed. "I do too. I just need to think of one that wouldn't make you cry."
"I do not cry!"
"How would I know? I don't know you."
She rolled her eyes. "Well, dolt, thanks to you, I have to go get another copy of my schedule."
"You are very welcome, harpy."
The woman gasped, raised her hand and back-hand slapped Barry's cheek. Barry rubbed his cheek in pain as he watched the woman take her stuff and leave.
"She just slapped me."
Barry got his stuff and made it to his dorm room that he was listed for during orientation. He set his stuff down and unpacked, making himself feel more comfortable. He smiled a bit before walking out the door and going to explore.
Caitlin Snow was a bright young woman. Everyone knew that Caitlin would do something big in the future.
She didn't bother telling her mother that she was off to college. She barely talked to her mother about anything, really. Ever since her father died, Caitlin and her mother have had a distant relationship. Ever since her father died, Caitlin and her mother have had a distant relationship, something that made Caitlin upset.
Caitlin sighed as she headed off, putting those thoughts aside for now.
When she got there, she felt some type of relief. She didn't have to worry about going back and forth. to and from home.
This was her home.
But when she ran into that green-eyed dolt, as she referred to him as, Caitlin knew that she didn't want anything to do with him ever again. Pushing him aside, she headed to the library to obtain another copy of her schedule since her other copy got ruined. After she successfully got it, she headed to her first class- Chemistry with Professor Harrison Wells.
"Welcome to Chemistry." He spoke.
He had piercing blue eyes that were behind glasses that sat on his face.
"My name is Professor Wells. Let's get started, shall we?"
Caitlin loved the class. She loved Chemistry; any science for that matter. After the class ended, a young man with shoulder-length hair approached her.
"Hi. I noticed you were in my Chemistry class. I'm Cisco Ramon." He stuck out his hand.
"I'm Caitlin Snow." She said as she shook his hand.
"So what did you think of the class?"
"I really liked the class. Professor Wells knows how to teach."
Cisco nodded as they began to walk. "Same. You know, I think we're going to get along just fine."
Caitlin and Cisco shared a smile before they wandered around the campus, getting to know one another. The day went by faster than expected and Caitlin had gone to her classes, Cisco not being in the rest of those classes. But they made plans to meet up after their last classes and walk to the dorms together.
"I don't even know where my dorm is."
"Let me see your dorm information."
Cisco glanced it over and smiled. "Good news. We're in the same hall. So just follow me."
Caitlin was happy she met Cisco, a new acquaintance that she knew would be there for a long time.
"Here we are."
Caitlin stared at the dorm and nodded.
"Thank you for helping me. It was really nice to meet you."
Cisco smiled. "It was nice to meet you too. And listen, if you ever need a friend to talk to or an ear to listen or a shoulder to lean on, I'm your guy."
"Aw. Thank you. I appreciate that."
They bid each other farewell and Caitlin turned back to face her dorm room. She had gotten her stuff from her car with Cisco's help and was ready to move in. She reached for the doorknob to find that it was open. She dragged her luggage in and when she finally looked into her new room, her eyes made contact with the same green eyes she had seen earlier that day. He had no shirt on, so her eyes immediately went to his lower abdomen. He realized he was shirtless and hastily reached for a random shirt.
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When his upper body was covered, he then realized who she was and his eyebrows furrowed.