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So I finally have all the questions for the Q&A

Thank you for your questions and I hope that next time there will be more questions about anything else you want to know. I don't have any order and I hope I answer your questions the way you wanted me to. Some questions will be different than how it was asked so I'm sorry in advanced if I don't have the questions exactly the way you wanted.

Q: What's your sexuality?

A: Straight

Q: How old are you?

A: 22

Q: Riverdale, Stranger Things, or both?

A: You know, I find this question funny because I used to watch Riverdale and my sister started to watch Stranger Things. I did want to write an Archie fanfic and I have a Jughead hat and I recently got a Jughead bracelet that says weirdo in beads with his symbol at the end. So I might want to say Riverdale, but let me watch Stranger Things and then I'll get back to you

Q: What's your favorite thing between about the dynamic between Barry and Caitlin?

A: Well, let me first say that your question wasn't confusing. And to answer this, I'd have to say everything that ReactOutLoud points out in their videos. I've been watching all of their videos and the thing I love the most is that Barry and Caitlin is that they don't even need to be in a scene together to have a connection. They have chemistry and they have the same interests, and they've been through similar experiences and I'm glad that we're now getting to see how well the Flash and Killer Frost work together to stop the metas, which is also my favorite thing. That not only do Barry and Caitlin work well together, but so do the Flash and Killer Frost. I hope that answers your question.

Q: What theories do you have about what will happen in the future of the Flash?

A: The only thing I had thinking about (it wasn't really much of a theory) was that Cicada kidnaps Nora and so the team takes Grace and they find a way to wake her up. But when I watched the 'Memorabilia' episode, that thought was gone. I do hope that Nora leaves or that the team finds out that she's been working with Eobard Thawne. And I do hope that something happens to Iris. I know that sounds mean, but I don't like how they've written her character. Sorry not sorry. But as for theories, I don't really have any.

Q: Who's your favorite author?

A: See, when I saw this question, I didn't know if you meant on Wattpad or actual books so I decided to do both. I love isabelleronin and imaginator1D , Chasing Red and After are two of my favorite stories. The one that introduced me to Wattpad was PS I Hate You by BritishBums which a girl told me about when I was in high school. I could list a lot of authors on Wattpad whose stories I love but that'd be a long list. As for actual books, I love Veronica Roth and Suzanne Collins. I love Lisi Harrison who wrote the Clique series. I just finished reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone today so I'm pretty excited for it. I know I'm barely at the beginning, but I feel like I'm a HarMione girl (Harry/Hermione). I have drawers full of books at home but I can't think of all of them. I did finish a series called Twisted Tales. It's about 5 Disney movies, Ariel, Aladdin, Sleeping Beauty, Mulan, and Beauty and the Beast, and the authors- Elizabeth Lim and Liz Braswell if I'm not mistaken- rewrote these movies in a different way. I really liked them and I would definitely recommend them. That's all I can remember for right now though.

Q: Do you think we'll have Snowbarry at any point in the show?

A: I have hope that we will, but if they don't, I will be sooooo mad. They've been teasing us since season 1, Caitlin even kissed a Fake Barry (which they still don't even mention) and Killer Frost kissed Barry too, so we get two in one. Grant said himself that they've been blind to what's in front of them and we can only wait to see. I heard either Greg Berlanti or Todd said that they want to get to the year 2024 so we can see how exactly Barry vanishes, maybe there's hope for Snowbarry. Especially with the amount of Snowbarry and FlashFrost there has been, maybe it'll be sooner. And I love the small looks they give each other. Like how they stare at each other (cue My Heart Will Go On)

Q: Do you think you'll do a SuperFlash story next or sometime in the future?

A: If there's one thing you should know about me, is that I have too many ideas in my head. I have a lot of stories that I want to write but I already have a lot I need to finish. With that being said, no. SuperFlash, which I'm assuming is Supergirl and the Flash, is a ship that I don't ship. I do love their friendship and I love Grant's friendship with Melissa, but I don't think I could ship together. Sorry

Q: What is your endgame ship?

A: This might be one of the longest answers I've given. Or not. I don't know if you mean in any show or just in the Flash, so I'll give both. As you guys already know, I ship Snowbarry and FlashFrost. I did ship Cisco and Gypsy, but they broke up, so I hope that Kamila sticks around. I do hope that Ralph finds someone, and yes, I do like Ralph. I really love Joe and Cecile's relationship and I hope they get married. As far as ships outside of the Flash, here they are. I should let you guys know that even though I may not watch the show anymore, I've seen some scenes between them and I still ship them anyway. And if you don't know where the characters are from, let me know and I'll tell you. Olicity, Bellarke, Joshaya, Rucas, Glenn and Maggie, Abraham and Sasha, Stelena, Klaroline, Karamel, Jim and Pam, Monica and Chandler, Seblaine. That's all I can really think of right now so I'll leave it at that.

Q: What inspired you to start writing?

A: I don't know if this it what you were asking, but I'll answer this anyway. I don't know. I only know that I started writing my senior year of high school and if I remember correctly, it was a One Direction story. I loved One Direction and still do. I didn't know you could write on Wattpad so I started to and I don't think I could stop. I couldn't imagine my life without this

Q: What keeps you motivated?

A: You guys. All my readers from Canada, to Japan, to Malaysia, to France, to Panama, to United States and everywhere in between. I know that I take so long to update and I know you guys are waiting. So I try my best to come up with a good idea and to update for you guys. Because I wouldn't have gotten here, to 14k, to almost 700 votes, without you guys. You guys, even though I don't know you, you guys are my friend. My family. My Snowbarry family. And I thank you tremendously for your comments and votes and for your endless support

Q: What country do you live in?

Q: What country do you live in?

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And that concludes my TED Talk.

Lol, jk.

But that does conclude my first Q&A. Thank you again for sending in some questions. Don't be afraid to ask more questions.

Bye ☺️

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