A Virtual Snowbarry

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So I have a question

I have the Sims 4+ the City Living Pack

So I was thinking of making Barry, Caitlin, and the others characters in this story

But I wanted to know if you guys would want to see how they look like, where they live, what their kids look like, how many kids they have, and all that good stuff.

I know I could just make it and not ask you guys, but I thought it'd be fun to have you guys control how their lives are such as:

-how many kids they have

-what kind of relationships they have with everyone (i.e: do they hate anyone)

-are their parents alive

-do their kids have kid (so are they grandparents)

-do they have a fast relationship or is it slow burn (or very very very slow burn like my story is)

and whatever else you can think of

so yeah

let me know

If I get the approval, then it'll probably be posted tomorrow afternoon (hopefully)


And please





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anyone who likes Snowbarry as much as we do

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or my fanbase

which is your fanbase too since I feel like you guys help with this story (occasionally)

so yeah


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