Chapter 4

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Katie's P.O.V

"sausage mcmuffin and a hot choclate please?" i said to the teenage girl behind the counter. she wasnt paying much attention, she was just fangirling over the presence of harry styles. "SAUSAGE MCMUFFIN AND A HOT CHOCOLATE PLEASE!"

"Oh, ur, yeah, sorry." she laughed. then leaned it closer to me and whispered. "So, how long have you known harry?"

"urm, one night, ahaha!" i laughed.

"oh shit yeah! you must be katie!!" she squealed. "ohmygooosh i am so tweeting about this when i get off my shift."

"urm.. please dont!" i tried but she didnt seem to be listening.

"you know you guys were trending!" she laughed.

"yup, ahaha," i smiled, trying not to be rude.

"oh yeah, your breakfast!" she mumbled, walking off to the hot drinks machiene. i turned round to face harry and gave him a shrug. he looked at me curiously and i mouthed 'She is a fan' to him, he understood my straight away and turned around, laughing. "here you are katie. nice meeting you!"

"You too." i smiled, taking my tray and walking back to the table where elizabeth and harry were now sat.

"what did she say to you?" Harry asked.

"just all like 'how long have you known harry' and ' ohemgee you must be that katie girl' and stuff." i muttered.

"ahahahah." elizabeth laughed. "OHMYGOD WE KNOW HARRY STYLES?"

"urm, i 'm sitting right here right?" he smiled.

"i can proudly say i know harry styles!" elizabeth said proudly, as she said she could.

"i can proudly say i slept with harry styles!" i interupted. they both laughed.

"Ok, you win." she mumbled disapointedly.

"well-" Harry begun, but was interupted by about 5 girls bursting through the door. oh wait, that was Emma, Jess, Lauren, Helena and Lydia. Great.

"OY! OVER HERE!" i yelled, catching the attention of almost everyone in the room. They all skipped over and grabbed some seats for themsleves. they began to ask both me and harry questions, but for some reason i could only give them short answers. my mind wasnt really focused, all i could think about is what lats night meant to harry. Or what it meant to me. i was pissed, so i guess it meant nothing... urghhh.

he is hot though.

and ive had more excitement in these 12 hours with him than i ever had with jason.

"YO! LOUIS!" i heard harry yell. "WE'RE OVER HERE!"

i turned to the door and saw a group of very attractive teenagers run through. no, these guys are sex gods. they responded to harry by running full speed in our direction.

"HARRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" He yelled back, attracting a bit to much attention for my liking.


"ONE DIRECTION?" more people started yelling.

"ok? we should leave now!" Liam rushed. " as in NOW!"

"yeah!" Lydia agreed.

more people started pouring in. is this what fame is like?

"FUCKING RUN!" Zayn yelled.

"THROUGH THE KITCHENS!" Helena screamed.

"More kitchens then katie?" harry laughed, jumping up from his seat and following the others.

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