Chapter 27

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Katie Dyer.

"harry," i wined. "i really dont want to do this!"

"katie!" he yelled back. "you have to, you cant neglect your mother forever!"

"but cant we let it off a few weeks, at least until we know we have the house?" i pleaded.

"No katie!" he rolled his eyes. "we did not come all the way up here to back away. You told me she told you to come back when you'd sorted your life out, this looks pretty sorted to me!"

"but can we please just come back tomorrow!" i begged. "i'm not ready!"

"Katie, you're as ready as you'll every be!" he told me, getting pretty frustrated. " i dont want to do this anymore than you do! but we have to!"

"but.." i tried, but couldnt think of a valid argument.

i stood here, round the corner from my home. The memories ive had onthis street for the 16 years ive lived here. I remember the fights i had, the waterfights i had, the games of manhunt, belivo, whatever other games.

i had darcy in my hand. A leaflet of the house me and Harry had put in an offer for. And, the brochur of the uni i was planning on applying for - Oxford. A long shot, but harry says i can make it.

"come on." harry breahed, placing his hand on my lower back and guiding me down my street.

"i can do this. i can do this. i can definately do this..." i bit my lip. walking shyly down my own street.

it feels like forever since ive been here.

almost a year.

I axhailed deeply as harry knocked on the door.

darcy gave my fingers a encouraging squeeze and i looked at harry nervously.

"everything's gunna be fine!" he assured me.

Just then the door swung open.

"Thomas!!" i yelled. The gingered hair teenager gaped at me.

"Katie??" he whispered.

first i thought he was going to shut the door in my face.

But he just hugged me.

"ive missed you so much!" he smiled. "omg! is this darcy!!"

He knew that because i'd kept in contact with olivia.

"yes!" harry answered for me.

"And you must be Harry Styles." he chuckled. "katie has posters of you in her room."

"shut it tom!" i muttered, blushing.

"well, she'd never told us that!" harry smirked.

"anywaaay, im here to see mum!" i said sternly, sudden confidence coming over me.

"oh yeah, course!" he mumbled, directing us in. "she's in the kitchen."

i walked trhough the all to familiar living room. nothing much had changed at all. it seemed smaller maybe.

In te kitchen was my mother, looking through some drawer for something.

Looking at her for the first time in like 11 months made me want to cry.

I cleered my throat.

Her head shot round at me.

"k-katie!" she cried.

"hi, mum." i mumbled.

"w-why are you here?" she asked me, sounding shocked.

"the others girls were going to catch up with their families.." i gulped. "you also told me to come back when i'd sorted my life out.."

"oh," she muttered. "erm..."

"this is darcy." i said dryly. "Mine and Harry's baby. Harry- Mum. Mum- Harry."

"hello." Mum muttered.

"hi.." harry bit his lip.

"So this is... this is darcy..." my mu gulped. "my granddaughter?"

"yeah.." i breathed. "and... this is the house we're about to move into."

i though the leaflet on the table.

"its big.." she mumbled. "expensive."

"i have a job." i muttered defensively.

"more like he does." she scoffed.

"what's that supposed to mean?" i asked, shocked.

"its just that any job you'd have, wouldnt be anything good enough for this house. So what, you've scrapped your education?" she asked me.

"No, has she fuck." harry almost yelled. "i wouldnt let her do that!"

"oh," my mum mumbled, "i forgot you were such a good boyfriend."

"Thats not fair!" i yelled.

"This whole thing, its his fault!" she yelled, "Its his fault you're knocked up, its his fault you're not with jason- he was really there for you, you were on your way to oxbridge when he was around!"

"So, your saying Harry doesnt want that for me?" i asked. "your saying he doesnt help me? cause NEWSFLASH babe, he's ben there for me a lot more than you have this past year!"

"you should of got the abortion like i suggested." she shrugged, she was being such a bitch. "then you'd be on your way to uni, are you even going anymore?"

i could feel the tears in my eyes.

was she trying to lose a daughter?

"I DIDNT WANT AN ABORTION!" i yelled. "and i thought these might interest you."

i through down the leaflets from oxford, cambridge and newcastle that they'd sent me, before they made their actual offers.

"oh.." she sniffed.

"well." i muttered, grabbing the leaflets. "when you're ready to talk about this, call me."

and i walked out.

"OLLYYY!" i yelled.

i wanted to see someone i knew would want to see me, instead of wanting to cry all the time.

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