Chapter 20

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"you two- up here- NOW!" Ed squeeled through his gripped teeth. It was very easy to here him through the stunned silence of the crowd. we'd just managed to say a quiet 'OK' before the wholoe crowd erupted into mutters... i grabbed his hand and he helped me on to the stage as i did for katie.

"HEY! YOUR THAT GIRL THAT HAD HARRY STYLES' BABY!!" someone from the crowd yelled. i like anxiously at katie ad her eyes grew wide. mutters of 'harry styles' 'dad?' and 'what?' filled the arena as Ed lead us backstage.

"katie... could you entertain them?" Ed asked, turning to her. her mouth widened.

"what- no- what!" she muttered.

"please! im already in serious trouble!" Ed begged. "what is it with you guys and ruining concerts anyway?"

"sorry..."Katie mumbled, walking on stage looking very shy.

"good luck..." i mumbled, looking back to ed.

"so..." he breathed.

"yeah... look..." i started. "im so so so so sorry!"

"elizabeth..." Ed whispered.

"SO.. ER... HI!" katie yelled down the microphone.

"i just think..."

"SHUT UP ABOUT HARRY STYLES!!" katie skrieked

"we should forget about it all..."

"NO... ERM... Your just a small bump unborn..." katie cried

"and start again, " ed mumbled

"WHY YOU GOTTA HATE!" she yelled

"as if it never happened..." he continued


"so..." Ed finished, talking through katies attempts to win the crowd over.

"yes... yes... definately!" i grinned.

"oh thank god!" he breathed.

"come here!" i smiled, pulling him in for a heartfelt kiss. This is where i belong, with Ed.. wherever he is. thats where i ought to be.

we got katie off stage and we waited round back for ed to finish the concert, although news off what had happened had got out on to twitter and places. the 'Elizabeth- Ed- Zayn' suspected love triangle and became top topics on twitter and it had the directioners and sheeranators raging. drama,drama,drama.

After the concert all the rest were really relieved to see me and ed walking out hand in hand. they'd heard about what happened and zayn was looking unusually sheepish, standing away from the crowd, staring down at his phone.

"right, back to the hotel." louis announced. "its celebration time!"

"i have college in the morning..." Katie said annoyed.

"yeah, and we cant ditch the last day before february holidays! we already missed today!" Emma added.

"and we have darcy!" I wined. 'im on babysitting duty tomorrow"

"oh come on! it'll be fun!" harry smiled. "We'll put darce to sleep and one of u sstay soberish just in case! and we'll just have to live with the hangovers."

"hmmm..." i mumbled, looking at Emma, who looked at me questioningly then looked at katie, who looked back at her with the same expression. after all us girls had looked at eachother having our usual 'tellepathic conversations' we all nodded.

"right then!" katie smiled. "We'll tell ailish when we get back, i hope darcy's not missing me to much..."

"Mr jefferson isnt going to be happy with me..." Emma sighed.

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