Chapter 24

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Lydia's P.o.v

"would you rather...." i mumbled,leant up against the lift wall. " errr.... sleep with harry or be stuckin this lift forevverrrr!"

"would you be in here?" Liam asked.He was perched opposite to me, slumped on the door.

"yep, exactly as it is now..." i smiled. "but we could never die!"

"and would i have to look harry in the eye?" he asked me.

"yep. and tell him you love him." i smirked evilly.

"well then, definately in here... with you!" he smiled. i could feel myself blushing and carefully hid my face.

"my go!" he mumbled, trying to change the subject. "would you rather... um... travel the world with us boys, but without the girls. or stay here, without the boys!"

"thats tricky..." i mumbled. "but my girls are everything!"

"true... true!" he nodded. "right, lets eat this chinese!"

"ok!" i smiled, reaching for the bag inbetween our legs.

"what is this stuff?" he asked, poking his fingers into a red sauce with little bits of yellow and green in it.

"no idea!" i laughed, opening a tub to reveal some pink rice.

"try this!" liam smiled, licking the red off his finger and 'hmmm' ing.

"is it good?"i asked him.

"amazing!" he smiled, leaning over and passing the tub to me.

"hmmm..." i picked up the tub and swirled the red souce round my finger.

"try it, its amazing!" liam assured me. i examined to the red source round my finger, i bravely placed me finger in my mouth and licked the red source off. it was a very nice tast until i was overwhelmed by a burning feeling.

"HOT. HOT. HOT." i yelled, jumping to my feet.

"its not hot!!" liam yelled.

"IT IS!" i screamed, jumping up and down and shaking the lift.

"calm down lydia!" liam laughed. He places his hands on my shoulder and an unfamiliar feeling of what i could only describe as adrenalin raced round my body from the places where is hands touched my bare skin. A tingling sensation then filled me as liam stared at me strangely.

"water!!" i whispered, looking into his eyes.

"we dont have any!" liam shrugged. "im sorry!"

"i need somethign watery!" i breathed, scanning the lift.

"hmmm... well then," liam smirked, slyly coming closer to me. "i can only think of one thing..."

i stared at him longingly. i scanned his face, his eyes flickering from my eyes to my lips. he was gunna kiss me.

I'd thought about this moment. Thought about the details of what would happen, the senarios. i never imagined it would happen stuck in a lift with my mouth burning from some kind of chinese spice. He started to lean forward, slowly closing his eyes. I followed his lead and leant into to.

This was it.

the moment you never forget.

The split seconds before the connection.

The sparks that fly.

The pure happiness you feel when your with something you care about.

Its like a desiding point. Its like, Do you really feel something for this boy? is this the start of something special?

then it happened.

The connection.

my whole body felt alive and it felt like i was flying, completely lifted off me feet by this wave of excitement.

We moved in perfect sync as liam grabbed me by the thighs and pulled me up on to him.

Well the rest... well.. you can work out the rest.

Elizabeth's P.o.v

"theres something oddly familiar about this situation.." ed mumbled, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

"yeah.. i cant think!" ailish shrugged.

"isnt it obvious?" i asked them, unpressing my ear from from the wall of the elevator.

"what?" ailish raised an eyebrow.


"how the hell did i forget thta, its my own song!" ed laughed.

"cause you're a goon, thats why!" i laughed. "now they'd better hurry up, they'll get it working in not long!"

"yeah, suppose!" ed mumbled.

"lets go back up to hotel room!" ailish suggested.


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