Chapter 15

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"Darrrcyyy!" Harry coo'd, looking over our adorable litlle child. she mad an adorable little noise and everyone on the room let out an 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw'.

"The fans are going CRAZY about last night!" Liam told us. "They think harry singing to you was the cutest thing ever. they also think it was too much drama to take in for one night!"

"ha!" Elizabeth yelled. "im pretty sure everyone knew it was harry's baby anyway."

"yeah, people arent stupid!" I laughed. "harry, whens Ed getting here?"

"EDS COMING?" elizabeth purked.

"yeah, and in about ten minutes he said." Harry smiled, checking his watch.

"Good, havent seen him in ages!" Elizbaeth smiled.

"think katie, the first time i saw you in 8 months was yesterday, and now we have a kid." Harry laughed, the rest of us thinking about the strangness of the situation.

"well, we never were really normal people." Jess admitted, shrugging her sholdiers.

"suppose, we were the sort of people that made up nicknames of casual words to make normal conversations funny." Emma laughed.

"Yeah! like someone, everyone and no-one. that was the funniest!" I laughed, remembering the funny times.

"yeah and our dances to everything!" Elizabeth giggled.

"oh god, we were the freaks werent we!!" Lydia panicked.

"The funny, likeable freaks." Helena added, laughing her head off.


"YEAH, SHUT IT!" louis yelled from next to her.

Elizabeth P.O.V


this time,

im going to not mess this up.


ive got to do everything right.

i need to act like myself,

but not the 'nervous' self.

talk about him, not some sort of unicorn or somthing.

like last time.

that wasnt good, at all.

Emma's P.O.V

i feel bad.

i was with louis while my best friend was in labour.

total friends moment.

They dont know, that we know, that they know, that we know, that they know.


i suppose there was nothing better to do...

she had harry.

and no-one needs to know...

we're just having fun.

just messing around i suppose.

great, i'm louis tomlinsons 'hook- up' girl.

thats great.

"Emma?" i heard the famliar voice whisper, Ed's here.

"Hey Ed!" i whispered, "why are we whispering?"

"because, i need your advice?" he asked, continuing whispering.

"on what?" i whispered.

"elizabeth." he admitted, sitting down on my bed next to me.

"what about her?" i mumbled.

"how do i get her to like me?" he asked.

"OHMYGOD YOU LIKE HER!" i really quietly squeeled.

"shut up! but kinda." he admitted.

"well, you've got no problem there mate. she's been inlov with you for years!" i admitted, but then smacked my hands round my mouth. "but i didnt say that, okay!"

"okay sure. im gunna go talk to her!" he smiled, skipping off into the front room. i could here a lot of hey's to ed and a conversation starting, i would go out and join the conversation, but im just not in the mood. ughhh.

short short short chapter because katie really wanted me to updat cause she goes on holiday tomorrow... byeee katie xxxxx

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