Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Helena Eastwood (heyitshelenae) and Elizabeth Brown (elizabethsheeran1234) for a

not pregnant.

So far.

"HARRY!!" I yelled. I heard a lot of russling then harry burst through the door looking very stressed.

"Not pregnant!" I smiled.

"Thank fuck." Harry yelled, running at me and hugging me tightly.

"Wait.. Did you just saw you thought you were PREGNANT!!" Emma yelled running the bathroom.

"Urm yeah, but the tests say no!" I laughed.

"Wait you guys did it 2 nights ago right?" She asked us.

"Yeah?" We chorused

" It takes 2 weeks for it to show!!" She yelled.

"CRAP." We both yelled.

Well, better get set for a bumpy 2 week ride.

After we got our parents to agree to stay with one direction, we stayed in the luxury hotel for 2 whole weeks. I'd received numerous calls and texts from friends or just acquaintances after they saw us on tv and photos with the boys. We'd done some amazing things over the weeks and met some famous amazing people. Elizabeth almost had a spasm when we told her we were meeting Ed sheeran but she played it super cool when he was actually their and managed to get his number, they'd been texting ever since. We'd been to theme parks and water parks. Watching LOADS of new movies in the cinema and going to concerts. I was basically having the time of my life and apparently Jason wasn't taking it well. He's finally accepted the request for edinburgh, probably so he doesn't have to face me. I'm through with him now, even though this is all my fault. The pregnancy thing slipped my mind until the day of Key103 live. Little Mix were performing when Emma remembered.

"KATIE!!" I heard her yell. She'd been in deep thought for minutes before it. "I JUST REMEMBER SOMETHING!!!"

"What?" I mumbled, pulling her into a room.

"Its been 2 weeks!!" She whispered worriedly.

"CRAP! YEAH!!" I yelled, but then pushed a hand over my mouth.

"are you gunna do one!" She asked me.

"Yeah, I'll get it over with." I mumbled. "Could you go get one for me?"

"What? N-now?" She stuttered.

"Yes! Get like 6!" I demanded.

" Okay, I'll be 15 minutes! There's 4 acts before the boys, I'll try to be back!"


I paced around the toilets and heard many acts come on and off stage. When one direction were announced I was about to go wish the boys luck when emma ran through the door holding a boots bag. She layed out 8 pregnancy tests on the sink and told me to them like all at once. After I'd done them I handed them to her to lay on the sink again. After I'd just been able to do the eighth me and emma just paced around the toilets.

"What would you do if it wa positive?" Emma asked me.

" I don't know, I mean there abortion, adoption, or I could keep it. I mean how hard could medical training be? I could do that when I was older." I started. " Harry would be there for me, wouldn't he?"

"He won't leave you. I can tell he likes you, its the way he looks at you!" She whispered.







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